Benefits Of Natural Oil Finishes For Your Wood Flooring San Fernando Valley

Posted by Alex M.
Dec 16, 2019

There are a lot of factors that go into choosing the right flooring and finish for the project. You could have engineered wood or solid hardwood for instance. When it comes to finishes, you could go with a surface finish or penetrating oil finish.

The project will determine which option is best for you. Is it for high-traffic areas? Will it get exposed to excess humidity or other natural factors? Will you install it in the basement? The answers to the questions will have a bearing on the wood flooring San Fernando Valley you choose.

When it comes to the finish, you need to balance out how you want the flooring to look with how you want the finish to perform. For example, if the property is going to be sold soon, then you may not want to get extremely creative with the finish and go for a trendy matte style.

Why Natural Oil Finishes Are Good Options?

First off, natural oil finishes penetrate deeper into the wood when compared to traditional wood finishes. This clearly means that it will have a stronger effect on the wood. Your floor will take on properties of the amount of oil.

Since humidity can be extremely damaging to wood flooring San Fernando Valley, you want to use any advantage you can to fight against it by keeping the finish moisturized.


If you are looking for basic protection for the floors, then any type of wood floor finish will work just fine. However, natural oil finishes will increase the performance to another level. Surface-level finishes rest on the surface of the floor, while oils seep in and penetrate fully.

This makes the wood more protected against threats, such as scratches. Surface finishes can also get extra durability, but you may even have to add numerous coats for achieving a similar level of protection.

Feel and Look

The best finished don’t simply provide protection and shade of color to the floor. Also, these finishes accentuate the wood and make it look quite beautiful. Oil finishes may bring out the essence of the wood, which gives of a nice and natural look that’s smooth and warm.

You can certainly work with different shades and colors, but with oil finishes, the wood itself is the star of the show. The feeling of raw wood on the feet gives a sense of connection with natural all without stepping outside the home.


You must know that wood flooring San Fernando Valley requires proper maintenance, no matter what finish you use. If you maintain the oil-finished floor properly you won’t have to re-sand. You must regularly clean the floor using a product that your installer has recommended.

There’s no doubt that with increased protection, you won’t have to repair the floor, as often, either.

Installing a floor is not just throwing a few planks down and calling it done. Make sure you make the right decision for you, right down to what type of finish you want to use.

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