Benefits of joining In-house counsel jobs Toronto in a small Law Firm

Posted by Darren Smith
Feb 15, 2018

Most attorneys in private practice are occupied by small law firms usually having less than 20 lawyers. A large number of professionals work even in the smaller firms, and almost half of them work as solo practitioners. These professionals occupied in-house counsel jobs Toronto in small companies are likely to have more exposure if compared to those working in the large firms. As the office setup is small, they are likely to work on some projects at a time, they interact with clients and handle the projects individually. It gives them a challenging work environment with immense opportunities to grow.

Varied work: Often generalists take Junior lawyer jobs Toronto and engage in challenging and variety of work across a wide range of practice areas. It gives them exposure of several areas in a short span of time if compared to the professionals working in a large firm where work is limited to specific specializations.

Work flexibility: The environment in-house counsel jobs Toronto in small law firms is often more cozy and adaptable to flexible work schedules. As there is a lesser number of people working in the company people prefer to work as a team to deck-up the emergencies. Small firms often have lesser space and allow lawyers to work from home on certain days provided they are responsive and attend meetings, conferences and client calls.

Better Experience: Lawyers employed in junior lawyer jobs Toronto are likely to carry out substantive tasks without much supervision if compared to employees working in large firms where work is defined and freedom to take up new tasks is less. Less supervision may lead to errors, but if talking from a wider perspective, it will build lawyers who have experience in a wide area of things and are more confident.

Informal and relaxed atmosphere: Unlike large conservative firms, small firms have a relaxed work culture. The dress codes are less formal, and employees are likely to communicate with each other in small firms. Everyone knows one another and foster friendly relationships.

Client Interaction: Employees working in Junior lawyer jobs Toronto in small law firms are more likely to interact with clients at all levels. This exposure is a must for the lawyers because it gives them the client handling experience and a better knowledge of the outer world. It can be an ideal situation, if you are a people person and enjoy to interact with more and more people.

If you are a law student and are about to start your career in the legal field, it is the time to consider whether you want to join in-house counsel jobs Toronto in a small or a large company. Working in small and large firms is accompanied with their pros and cons, so it is important to consider them both. If you are confused about the career opportunities, both types of firms offer, connect with legal recruiters in your area. They can guide you about the advantages and disadvantages of joining them both. Your legal recruiters will also guide you about the best career opportunities and best companies offering opportunities for the same.

In case, you have any doubts about the skills you need to acquire to enter a particular field in the legal profession, worry not, these professionals know the ins and outs of the legal industry. And, can guide you about what skills you need to acquire.  

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