Ayurveda- A Natural Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Posted by Shipra Sharma
Aug 2, 2019
Polycystic kidney disease is a kidney-related condition in which millions of cysts start reaping in or around the kidneys. It is a genetic infirmity that can change the shape of the kidneys and enlarges their size. Polycystic kidney disease is a type of chronic kidney disease that reduces the kidney function in the first place and eventually progresses to renal failure. PKD also causes other complications that disturb the normal working life of the patients, such as high blood pressure, immense pain at the abdominal side, problems related to the vessels in your heart, brain aneurysms, etc. 

What are the complications of polycystic kidney disease?

During polycystic kidney disease, the cysts that appear in the kidneys get filled with toxin blood and other waste harmful for the body. The kidney cysts cause extreme pain when they burst out and produce infectious diseases also. Thus, it is vital for you to understand the natural treatments like polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda to completely heal the condition. 

Some of the complications that appear when having polycystic kidney disease include:

• High blood pressure: Increased blood pressure for a prolonged time is a sign as well as a cause of kidney disease. When your kidneys become ill with PKD, they cannot pass out toxins substances from the blood and this fluid retention can further raise your blood pressure. 
• Compromised kidney function: Compromised kidney function is another serious complication of polycystic kidney disease. Nearly half of the patients having PKD tend to have kidney failure by the age of 60. PKD interfere the kidneys ability to eliminate toxins from the blood, causing that waste to build-up in the cells and tissues. This increases the risk of developing uremia, a life threatening condition that reaches to end-stage renal disease. 
• Pregnancy related complications: The women with kidney cysts may not have any difficulty conceiving. However, they have a risk of developing a life-harming condition called preeclampsia. During preeclampsia, the women may have high blood pressure before the pregnancy and protein along with the urine. 
• Liver cysts:  The odds of developing liver cysts increase for the patients having PKD, with age. Women are prone to have larger cysts as female hormones contribute to cyst development more than men do. Adopt polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda on time to improve the kidney function and avoid such complications. 
• Brain aneurysm: It is a condition in which an outer growth like balloon appears that may bleed when it ruptures. People who have PKD are more at risk of having a brain aneurysm. 
• Heart valve abnormalities: Almost 25% of the cases of polycystic kidney disease develop heart abnormalities as their valve prolapse. During this condition, the valve is not able to close properly, allowing the blood to leak. 
• Pain: The kidney cysts are a source of immense pain for the patient with polycystic kidney disease. Pain is a common symptom for the patients, and in most times, it can turn out to be extremely severe. The pain is mostly associated with a urinary tract infection or a kidney stone arising because of PKD. 

Ayurveda as a treatment for polycystic kidney disease

Inherited condition polycystic kidney disease should be treated with a treatment that can completely put a period to the disease. PKD passes down the families and even a newborn may have the complications related to PKD if one or both the parents have the condition. So, you must get it cured with the most reliable and completely natural treatment i.e. Ayurveda. Polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda uses a unique way to treat kidney cysts. By way of working on the PKD1 and PKD 2 genes, the condition can be averted from progressing to the coming generations of the family. 

Ayurveda is an ancient remedial science that uses herbs and spices to cure chronic and acute problems of its roots. It’s a 5000-year old system of healing with its inception in India. Ayurveda focuses on rejuvenating kidneys by balancing the doshas of the body. Any kidney disease arises in the body when your channels are not balanced. When it comes to kidney problems, the channels that are involved include mutravaha srotas which passes fluid inside and outside of the kidneys. When the incoming channels damage, the kidneys cannot pass fluid and thus become swell. However, any obstruction in the outgoing channels damages the working of the kidneys causing shrinkage. 

Following herbs are used in the polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda:

• Dandelion roots
• Punarnava
• Shirish
• Kaasni
• Gokshuradi Guggul
• Mutrakrichantak churna

If you wish to know about Ayurvedic medicines for kidney disease, then reach Karma Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic kidney treatment center in Delhi, India. Until now, our Ayurvedic medicines have saved more than 35000 kidney patients from the dialysis like surgical procedure!

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