Automate 75% Of Sales Prospecting To 5x Your Contracts With This AI Technology

Posted by PRC Agency
Jun 7, 2022
Automate 75% Of Sales Prospecting To 5x Your Contracts With This AI Technology

Successful sales professionals will tell you the trick to crushing your goals is getting in front of the right people and forging solid business relationships.

Those who grasp this and put the formula to work are the ones generating the most revenue. Others, well, they're just wasting time qualifying the little fish and then drawing up contracts that never really produce.

Don't be the little fish operation. Bring in the big kahunas by putting today's best prospecting technologies to work for you.

Stop wasting time on cold calls that take up your entire afternoon and start meeting with decision-makers of high-value accounts so you can sell like the master you are and sign the big contracts. can show you how.

Learn how dedicated AI technology puts your pipelines to work so you save up to $1million per year on unnecessary BDR and sales manager hires. can place your sales reps in front of key decision-makers while eliminating time-wasting cold calls and low-producing prospecting.

Request your demo right now, at enhances your current sales force by automatically completing time-intensive research activities and tedious administrative tasks. If you're a company or franchise owner, you'll want to put a system to work that facilitates the face-to-face meetings you need with the high-value prospect accounts you want, while continually sourcing more qualified leads. uncovers insights that give you tangible results. With data and information that go beyond the customer journey, helps you form important business relationships that lead to lucrative contracts. And they're always there to conduct touchpoint calls to monitor your success and help you tweak or enhance underperforming processes.

The company’s technology identifies your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and then sources complementary leads from best-of-breed data providers that include ZoomInfo, SalesIntel, and Lead411.

Your sales reps get all pertinent contact information they need, including email, direct phone line, mobile phone, a LinkedIn URL, and more for a five-fold increase in your sales and significantly improved profits.

Now that's some impressive ROI!

You can choose from three different sales solutions packages to find the one that best fits your needs.

The LinkedIn Sequencing package gives you continual prospecting and connects your sales rep with their target accounts. The Sales as a Service option delivers data that generates 500 leads per month, digital outreach, and gives you digital dial functionality. The Prospecting as a Service package provides you with outbound prospecting that combines the benefits of the first two packages with sales operation support and up to 2,000 dials per month.

A recent client says, “ enabled us to generate 173 opportunities with F1000 accounts in less than two quarters. Five stars.”

If you need strategies that will optimize your sales department's output without investing in new hires, request your demo of the technology. Learn more about the benefits of AI-powered automated sales acceleration and give your sales superstars the freedom to do what they do best!

Are you ready to get started? Visit to find out more.

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