Attention Strategies In The Classroom To Get Your Students’ Attention

Sep 27, 2020

India is known for its classroom-based classes. We are into visual learning classes mode and as a result are known to have kids school hours broken into periods dedicated to each subject. Now, each period will be about 40 to 45 minutes minimum if not more. A human being throughout his lifespan cannot hold attention at one go for such a long duration. As a result, it is important to ensure that you implement certain attention strategies in the classroom to catch as well as hold on to the student’s attention.

Involve the Kids - The best mantra to ensure that the kids attention lasts in the classroom is to involve them in the sessions. No one likes passive classes. Imagine, if the teacher is facing the black board or white board and teach a whole lesson writing out the details no child will actually learn. Thanks to the passive teaching style, in no time will the kids actually lose their concentration and their mind might start wondering all over. Hence, the first aspect is to actually engross the kids and make the session interactive and fun for them. So involve the kids- like maybe ask questions, throw a riddle on them, keep checking in intervals if they are on the same page as you and so on.

Talk Less - Imagine a bunch of kids sitting in a classroom and the teacher talking nonstop for 45 minutes. Do you really think that they will grasp every single word? Absolutely not. They will not hear or register a single word. So, it is important that the teacher actually talks less. Remember that long monologues will put them to sleep. So, it is important that they actually talk less and interact more. Let the kids enjoy and be involved in the process of learning. Make it a 2-way interactive session.

Let Children Interpret - This is another important strategy to hold children’s attention in a classroom. Remember that each coin has 2 sides. So the way you interpret a prose might be different from the child’s point of view. So, ensure that you let the child interpret it in their own style and also learn from them. Ask them questions to understand their point of view. This will help them to understand faster.

Change the setting - It is important for children to be in a conducive environment for them to learn more and imbibe more. So, make the classroom setting different. Change it a bit. Maybe get rid of the boring white walls and make it colorful. On a few days you can maybe skip the blackboard and use a projector to show visuals and so on. So, ensure that you actually tweak the scene a bit. Schools like NCPSSS have the perfect environment for same.

So here were a few ways that you can retain your child’s attention at class and let them learn more.

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