Attending a Job Interview? Here are Three Steps to Take Beforehand

Posted by Courtney Myers
May 7, 2018

Applying for a job can be an overwhelming, scary and uncertain time, even if you have all the attributes and qualities that the employer is looking for. After all, putting ourselves out there, sitting through an interview, fielding questions and advertising why we’re an ideal fit for the position can be incredibly nerve-wracking. Yet, if you’re well-prepared and confident, it can also be an exciting and rewarding time. The key is to get all of your information compiled and ready beforehand so when the big day comes, you can enter the room with confidence and poise.

As soon as you find a job opening you’d like to pursue, here are three steps to take immediately to up your chances of coming out on top.

1. Do your homework. There’s nothing like entering a job interview with little to no knowledge about the business or the position you’re applying to fill. There will normally be someone who asks you what you know about the industry, how you found out about their company, and why you’re a great match for their needs. Today, it’s often as easy as hopping online. You can discern a ton of information about a company from its website, social media profiles, and virtual business directory listing. Focus on learning its history, key founders and C-Suite stakeholders, and core suite of offerings.

2. Practice the actual interview. There is a reason college professors teach entire courses centered on how to ace an interview. The process itself can be overwhelming, even if you’re prepared and have done a few in the past. To calm your nerves and boost your self-assurance, try holding a mock interview first. This will allow you to rehearse some standard answers, time and pace yourself, and check to see if you’re prepared enough for your responses.

If you’re a student, your school’s career center will usually have someone on staff to help you with this step. If not, your local community center is a great place to start when looking for this resource. It helps to have someone from the outside hold your mock interview, as it will give you a more genuine feel for how the real one will go. In a pinch, a friend or family member will work fine, though try to make the practice as formal and professional as you can.

3. Fine-tune your resume and cover letter. Today, you’ll often e-mail a copy of your resume and cover letter to a prospective employer before you even meet in-person for a sit down interview. Still, you’ll need to bring hard copies with you when it’s time to meet. This will allow each person in the room the opportunity to review your credentials while you’re in front of them and put a face to the experience on the paper.

Before submitting it at all, make sure it’s as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Also, make sure to highlight any relevant work experience that applies to the job in question. While traditional resumes list work history in chronological order, starting with the most recent and working backward, you can also list your most relevant experience at the top to give it more exposure. For instance, if you’re applying for a job in a graphic design firm, your job at a marketing agency should appear before your summer job lifeguarding, regardless of when you worked in each position.

When it comes to your cover letter, you might not be sure where to begin. Thankfully, there are plenty of tips online to help you with this process. In short, your cover letter should briefly overview how you found the job, what you’ve done in the past that’s applicable, and why you’d be a good candidate for the position.

With these steps behind you, you’ll be ready to enter that interview with confidence, assured that you’ve prepared well for the opportunity before you. So do your homework, practice, and prepare your documents. Doing so will give you a leg up from the competition and help you soar through the rest of the steps with ease.

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