Angel Air Ambulance Service in Kolkata Guarantees You Travel with Complete Safety

Posted by Angel Ambulance
Dec 20, 2023

When the patient needs to be taken care of all along the journey it becomes essential to arrange an air medical transportation with a medical team that is capable of offering the best possible care and pre-hospital treatment to the patients during the evacuation mission. The Air Ambulance Service in Kolkata delivered by Angel Air Ambulance is best known for offering medical evacuation service that is composed without causing any trouble or complication to the patients or laying any fatalities at any point of the relocation mission.

For long-distance transfers, our air medical transportation missions are considered the most beneficial alternative which is offering inter-city or inter-country air evacuation missions. Our service is available through the network of global airlines and our team maintains a direct connection with the sending and receiving facilities to avoid any complications. We at Air Ambulance from Kolkata work as per the necessities of the patients and schedule the medical relocation mission without causing any trouble or complication to the patients.

Angel Air Ambulance Service in Guwahati Operates with a Global Fleet of ICU Jets

Our air ambulances at Angel Air Ambulance Service in Guwahati are staffed with two highly qualified pilots, and a Critical Care Registered Nurse, with certified paramedics to offer care and medical attention to the patients all along the journey. Our Air Medical Case Managers organize the air ambulance transfers with complete efficiency having the availability of ground ambulances to complete the journey beneficially.

We at Air Ambulance in Guwahati offer bed-to-bed service and manage each step of the relocation mission without causing any trouble to the patients during the journey. We have been in the air evacuation business for over a decade and that has made us the most reliable alternative for shifting patients. We have a clear track record of offering the best service to the patients and managing the entire trip with utmost efficiency.

•             Ground Transportation arrangement

•             Airline configuration and management

•             Wheelchair assistance for critical patients

•             Security clearance for shifting patients safely

•             Medical Clearance to let patients travel without any trouble

•             Maintaining the privacy of the patients

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