Advantage and Disadvantages of SAP ERP System

Posted by Kay P.
Oct 11, 2017

A fully operational SAP ERP Integration offers a significant competitive edge enabling businesses to optimize production and streamline operations. The concept itself is quite impressive, especially with regard to the advantage it offers from a competitive standpoint. For instance, the dynamic economic landscape necessitates the manufacturing and delivery domains to involve multiple administrative and operational functions. SAP ERP Integration is indispensable in this context, as it guarantees optimization of these functions.

Handling these functions individually posed major challenges for providers, managers, operators, and customers in the past. Also, it did not help developing the dynamic business intelligence critical for achieving the standardized milestones. Such issues are resolved with ease today as a direct consequence of SAP ERP systems becoming mobile, pervasive, flexible and fully subsumed. In addition, it has gained extra support from the Internet of Things (IoT).

As a result, if a production system consisting of disparate departments has the patience and perseverance to leverage the potential of a SAP ERP software, stakeholders including senior managers and shop floor users can view, verify, and communicate with datasets that fall under a specific commercial chain. SAP ERP Integration would also help in defining a precise conception of the real-time operation of the datasets.

Advantages of SAP ERP Integration

SAP ERP Integration establishes visibility across multiple functional and cross-functional departments

In addition to the numerous internal business intelligence benefits ensured by SAP ERP Integration, the platform allows users to view and engage with several aspects associated with production including product development, operations/sales/CSR, human capital, operations/manufacturing and asset management, and finance and procurement. In addition, it addresses the essential requirements in cross-functional disciplines such as; QA, environmental and safety compliance, in/outbound logistics, and inventory/warehousing.

Information Sharing via SAP ERP Integration

SAP ERP integration facilitates information exchange between disparate software that a company employs, including those outside its internal computing systems. SAP ERP software simplifies the data collection process which eradicates the possibilities of redundancies associated with each application having to accumulate and store information in isolation. By constructing a single point of data access SAP ERP integration reduces the time spent on data search. Not only is the time reduced, but the data received is updated. A SAP ERP interface also facilitates active cooperation between individuals and departments.

Automation of operations by SAP ERP Integration

SAP ERP integration systematizes operations involving data and functions associated with multiple software applications. For example, data from a CRM can be used in conjunction with an e-mail marketing technology to send targeted messages to users based on their previous purchase patterns and demographics. This exercise can be integrated with an analytics package to assess the success of the campaign. The data can also be fed into the SAP ERP system to help the company make investment decisions based on where it would yield maximum value.

SAP ERP Integration lowers IT complexity

Enterprise-level companies frequently experience challenges in implementing emerging technologies. It involves a steep learning curve. Fresh applications may face difficulties in integrating with the existing systems. SAP ERP Integration lowers such challenges considerably ensuring the smooth running of operations. By consolidating data and operations of multiple applications into one user-friendly interface, the SAP ERP system overview reduces effort and optimizes production.

SAP ERP Integration boosts agility

A critical function of SAP ERP Integration is that it equips organizations to identify opportunities promptly and act upon them.  Due to its access to varied and extensive datasets, SAP ERP integration enables companies to adapt to market fluctuations, address reputation management concerns, and supply chain issues and more, from a single platform.

SAP ERP Integration requires minimal maintenance

Cloud-based business solution necessitates considerable maintenance effort after installation. However, the solution is impeccable as the user gains access to the latest updates in the ecosystem almost at all times. Despite this, maintenance is of utmost importance to ensure that data-flows between multiple cloud systems are not obstructed. In this regard, the HokuApps system integration platform is a phenomenal solution offering constant updates to support such linked systems. SAP ERP Integration relieves businesses of the burden of maintaining their SaaS. This enables employees to focus on commercial growth and action items that help in fetching significant ROI.

Disadvantages of a SAP ERP integration:

The following section lists out the major drawbacks associated with SAP ERP Integration:

• SAP ERP Integration involves a complex set of processes. Enterprises often face challenges in deploying and getting acquainted with it.

• SAP ERP Integration necessitates an organization to have employees having the capability to address glitches associated with the process.

• A strategically crafted communication plan and implementation process must be followed to generate value out of SAP ERP Integration.

Common Applications Targeted for SAP ERP Integration

Common integration methods that integrators take recourse to include:

Supply chain management (SCM)

· Customer relationship management (CRM)

· Business intelligence and analytics

· Human resources management (HRM)

· Internal and marketing communications

SAP ERP integration is not a complicated process anymore. However, the implementation calls for adequate expertise. It is recommended that the integration process is implemented by those having adequate exposure to the process. If SAP ERP integration is handled by someone who lacks the basic know-how, the business may run into losses coupled with severe depletion of time. More importantly, production will be severely impacted.

On the contrary, when the integration is handled by experienced professionals, the business reaps financial, administrative, and technological benefits and experiences a transformed environment.

Source : iPhone Application Development service

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