Advanced Treatment of Alcoholism in a Rehabilitation Center

Posted by James Richard
Feb 7, 2013

With the advanced program for treatment of alcoholism, patients can expect speedy recovery from this commonly found ailment. From 30 days to a few months cannot be too much for completely leaving behind their addiction. The rehabilitation center for alcoholics and other drug abusers, with the facility for advanced treatments, can help the patients recover within as less as a month. The comprehensive treatment program includes channeling of patients through alumni groups so that they do not relapse into their addiction.

Hospitalization in a rehab

The patient needs to be admitted into a special care unit for recovery. This follows study of their medical history, medical examination and thorough evaluation of the laboratory tests. All these steps are important for ensuring the protocol for detoxification is developed after comprehensive study of lab tests. The prime aim of the treatment is to bring about enough relaxation in the patient so that normal habits can be restored, particularly normal sleeping habit. Additionally, balanced diets with multivitamin supplements are given for restoration of normalcy.

The patient needs to get familiarized with the environment, including the staff and peers involved in treatment. An individual therapist would be assigned to the patient who would enquire about their medical history, personal history, current situation, and all information pertaining to the use of psychoactive substances. All these activities instill the right value system in the patient and it is meant to make them optimistic about the future. With regained self-esteem and inner peace, the patient can look forward to having an addiction-free life.

12 steps to detoxification from alcohol

1. The patient is made to admit that alcohol had wreaked havoc in their life.

2. Patient is made to realize the greater power that can restore normalcy in life.

3. Patient is made to surrender their will to the care of God according to their understanding of Him.

4. Fearless self-evaluation.

5. Admission of wrongs committed to themselves and others.

6. Allowed the grace of God to remove these shortcomings.

7. Pray to God for removing these shortcomings.

8. Preparing a list of persons harmed due to ill-effect of intoxication and resolving to make amends.

9. Trying to make amends if possible but not if that would only hurt them even more.

10. Continuing with the process of self-evaluation and admitting the wrongs done.

11. Asking for forgiveness and personal enlightenment from God through prayer and meditation.

12. Having attained spiritual awakening, this state of being is resolved to be carried out in all the activities of life.

With such a comprehensive treatment of alcoholism, patients are able to completely recover from their addiction.

Author Bio:-

James Richard is an expert writter and analyst in online marketing related topics. He is a web specialist and written a number of articles on Stop drinking, addiction treatment, alcohol addiction, effects of alcohol, addiction recovery, Alcoholism treatment and tratamiento del alcoholismo

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