Acne On The Forehead: Causes And Treatment

Posted by Rasya Dixit
Nov 18, 2023

Acne is a very common concern that breakouts down the skin in different levels of severity. It can be inflammatory, such as papules, pustules, cysts, and nodules, or non-inflammatory such as blackheads and whiteheads. It is the result of the plugging of hair follicles and pores on the skin with cell debris, dirt, extra sebum, and sometimes bacteria. The acne-causing bacteria that grow in the clogged pores can lead to skin inflammation and infection.

The forehead is the most common site to find acne as it has more concentrations of oil glands than any other body part. Thinking about why acne occurs on the forehead, how can it be identified, and what are its treatment options? This article by Dr. Rasya Dixit, dermatologist at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, can provide you with all the answers for Forehead Acne Treatment in Bangalore with her expert insights.

What causes forehead acne?

The culprit of breakouts on the forehead is the same as acne forming on any other site. Forehead acne develops when sebaceous glands on the forehead start producing extra sebum (natural oils) that clogs the skin pores along with dead skin cells and/or bacteria.

There are several factors behind the increase in oil production that lead to forehead acne. These include:

  • Hormonal changes- Many adolescents have forehead acne as they experience hormonal fluctuations at the time of puberty. This is particularly because of a surge in androgen levels that enlarges sebaceous glands and increases oil production. Hormonal acne breakouts on the forehead are most noticed during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and menses. They can even be related to stress, intake of oral contraceptives, and PCOD in women.
  • Vitamin deficiencies- One study reveals that many people with acne have Vitamin D deficiency. This means there could be a link between vitamin deficiency and breakouts on the forehead.
  • Medications- There are some medications such as corticosteroids and synthetic hormones with side effects such as acne breakouts on the forehead.
  • Skin irritation- Wearing a cap, scarf, hat, headband, or any headgear that covers the forehead could irritate the forehead skin because of excessive sweating and extra oil, dirt, and bacteria clogging the pores of the forehead skin. Skin irritation and acne breakouts are also possible when makeup is applied to the forehead. Touching the forehead too often with dirty and greasy hands can cause extra oil, impurities, and bacteria to go into the pores and cause forehead acne.
  • Poor hair care and use of harsh hair products- Oily scalp hair that touches the forehead can deposit oil on the forehead and clog the skin pores resulting in forehead acne. If hair on the head is not washed often enough, then dirt and oils can clog the forehead skin pores.
  • Skin type- Some people have a T-zone area of the skin which includes the forehead. In such a zone, the skin pores are large and/or have extra oil production.
  • Stress- A stressful lifestyle can increase androgen levels and subsequently sebum production, thereby causing forehead acne.

How is acne on the forehead treated?

Frustrating forehead acne can be effectively treated in various ways. The options include:

  • Natural/home remedies- Researchers have found that forehead acne can be treated naturally at home by applying aloe vera gel or tea tree oil over the breakouts. There is even evidence that the intake of zinc supplements or the use of zinc-based topical can help reduce the appearance of forehead acne.
  • Over-the-counter medicines- There are many acne-relief products available on the market shelves that do not need a doctor’s prescription. The products containing benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, and adapalene can all be effective in reducing the appearance of acne.
  • Prescription treatments- People having severe, persistent, painful, or deep-seated acne, might need to consult a skin expert. A dermatologist may prescribe for any of the following treatments:
  • Topical antibiotics- Certain antibiotics such as erythromycin and clindamycin can inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria and work best on inflammatory forehead acne. Application of such antibiotics can reduce acne appearance and clear them.
  • Oral antibiotics- Usually, the first choice of oral antibiotics that are used to treat moderate to severe forehead acne includes macrolide and tetracycline.
  • Laser or light therapy- Laser and other light therapies involving the use of blue and/or red lights can help forehead acne disappear. The heat generated by an intense light beam when directed onto the forehead acne can help kill or inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria and shrink sebaceous glands, thereby reducing sebum production and forehead acne breakouts.
  • Chemical peels- In this Acne Treatment in Bangalore, special acidic solutions are applied onto the forehead skin to peel off the skin layers affected by acne over 2 weeks or even more. This chemical skin exfoliation allows smooth, healthier skin to reveal from underneath. There are different types of chemical peels based on the strength of acid: superficial, medium, and deep. The chemical peels proven to be good for forehead acne treatment include glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, Jessner’s solution, and trichloroacetic acid. Several sessions are needed to clear away forehead acne.
  • Hormonal therapy- In this therapy to reduce stubborn forehead acne in women, the dermatologist prescribes birth control pills and medications like spiron-olactone. These help reduce androgen levels and clear away acne caused by it.

Tips to prevent forehead acne

Forehead acne can be avoided from developing or getting worse with self-care. Here are some tips to protect and care for the skin to prevent forehead breakouts or their worsening.

  • Daily cleanse your face thoroughly but do not overwash or exfoliate the forehead skin.
  • Keep your hair clean by regularly washing it and don’t let it fall on your forehead.
  • Before going to bed, completely remove makeup from the forehead.
  • Avoid wearing any tight caps, hats, headgear, or any hair accessories, especially when you are working out.
  • Avoid touching forehead skin too often with dirty and greasy hands. Also refrain from leaning on, picking at, or excessive scrubbing of the forehead.
  • Use skin and hair care products that are water-based, non-comedogenic, oil-free, and won’t clog pores.


Any age group of people can suffer from mild to severe forehead acne. But it is mostly observed in adolescents. There are various reasons behind forehead breakouts as discussed above. Firstly, maintaining facial hygiene along with clean hair and scalp and a facial skincare routine is necessary to prevent clogging of skin pores on the forehead. If your forehead acne persists then there are some effective remedies and dermatologist-recommended treatments. It is recommended to visit the best dermatologist like Dr. Rasya Dixit, at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic and receive the best diagnosis and best possible treatment for forehead acne.

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