Achieve Professional Excellence through SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes

Posted by Pace Staff
Dec 11, 2019

The work-learn or SkillsFuture Work-Study programmes, enable the candidates to give an edge to their careers. These courses give the students ample employment opportunities and a scope to widen their job avenues.

Participants, who register for these courses, get to acquire industry-based skills. They get a chance to work in companies, earn money and continue their studies. The course curriculum requires the participants to get involved in job-centric training and task-based assignments. This not only allows the learners to get a detailed understanding of their preferred industry but also gives them the opportunity to work with leading industry players and market leaders.           

While pursuing SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme courses, the students get the chance to work in collaboration with project leads, accounts team and even cross-functional departments and business segments. This gives the students a better know-how of how each department functions. The course-takers also get the chance to understand the personalities of different professionals and their attitude towards their work. This develops their knowledge about the business tools, technologies and procedures.

Also, the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme courses help the participants learn to set objectives and priorities. They learn to chalk out a work plan, put in place an effective business strategy, come up with result-driven solutions, work amicably with fellow colleagues, and be laser-focused.

The course-participants also get the chance to upgrade their technical expertise. They learn to efficiently gather inputs and insights from various teams, streamline workflows and realise their objectives well before the stipulated timelines. In essence, they learn to work together to develop new products and maintain a synergy for effective results.

The SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme courses give the students a huge opportunity to work with successful industry leads in a competitive work culture. This helps the course-takers address the gaps in their skills. The students also directly interact with the senior corporate managers to get a better understanding of how to smartly achieve business goals and positive results. 

There is a large array of subjects on which you can pursue your SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme. Some of these subjects include:

·         Supply Chain Management: If you want to register for courses on Supply Chain Management, you will get to expand your knowledge about inventory and warehouse management, transportation methods, bio-chemical supply chain, freight management and cold chain management. You will also get a deeper insight into the various aspects related to planning and implementation of supply chain

·         Environmental Services: If you want to take up courses on Environmental Sciences, you will be able to gather huge amounts of information with relation to waste water collection, solid waste management, sanitation infrastructure, environmental chemistry, geosciences, atmospheric sciences, etc. The statistics and data, included in these courses are totally relevant to the current industry needs. Therefore, not only will you learn updated facts and concepts related to this industry, you will also be able to step up your career as Ecologists, Environmentalists and Conservationists.    

You can register yourself at any of the well-known Singapore-based institutes to take up SkillsFuture Work-Study programmes or e-learning programmes or online business management courses. Pursue a career of your choice and make the most of every opportunity that you get in that field.  

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