A List of 5 Best Hands-on Science Incursions

Posted by Paul Bennett
Jul 28, 2023

Getting down with hands-on experiments and gruesome activities is the best way to encourage students to love science. Unless you get the students to try the experiments written in textbooks up-close and personal, they will never be able to understand the concept.

Therefore, science incursions in Sydney are an excellent way to engage students of all ages. 

We have listed some of the best hands-on science incursions for students -

Chemical Reactions

Mixing chemicals and watching them turn another colour into foam is best for students. It is indeed a fascinating world for them where they're introduced to different chemicals and what happens when they react together. 

Energy and Electrical Circuit

As students walk through the nuts and bolts of electricity, charge up the bright sparks in class! The modern world is powered by electricity, and teaching students about energy flow is a great way to increase their understanding of the technology they use daily. Snap-together electrical circuits enabling students to construct their own electrical devices simplify the lesson. Such school incursions in NSW are an excellent way of introducing them to daily life science. 

Biology Safari

During this incursion, students take on the role of biologists for the day and investigate the wide range of living things. They might have the opportunity to look at insects, observe plants, examine microorganisms under a microscope, or even carry out straightforward ecological surveys. This incursion promotes appreciation for biodiversity and increases understanding of the value of environmental preservation. Also, they learn about ecosystems and the role of it in our lives and the planet. 

Astronomy Incursion

What's a better way to introduce children to space and the universe? They learn about galaxies, planets, stars, and other celestial objects. Scale models of the solar system, telescope observations of the moon and planets, and space mission simulations are a few examples of practical activities. It's a great way to pique students' curiosity about astronomy and space travel.

These are some of the most exciting ways to get your children hooked on something good! They develop a desire to learn more about the subject, which is the primary goal of incursions.

The author is the owner of a company organising school incursions in NSW. They also aim to educate the readers on the best possible student incursions.

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