8 Useful Design tips to follow for your Magento eCommerce website

Aug 10, 2022

When it comes to designing a Magento eCommerce website, there are plenty of things you need to consider to create a personalised, user-friendly, navigational, and innovative design. Here are some useful design tips you need to follow for your Magento website shared by an expert in Magento development


There are over 2.5 million Magento stores running on the web today. Magento is the most popular eCommerce development platform now and there are many good reasons for this. Magento is known for its usability and customisation options. Designers and developers need to utilise the Magento features and these customisation options to create a user-friendly, navigational, attractive, and responsive UI design for the stores and to offer an unmatched customer experience. 


Here are some useful design tips that you should consider to create a great design for your Magento store. 


The design of a Magento store is an important part of the entire Magento development process. Designing a Magento site well is extremely important as the website design creates the first impression on the users and plays a significant role in bringing more visitors to the stores and turning them into permanent customers, thereby, increasing conversions and sales. And here are some design tips that can help you with your Magento website design. 


Use a responsive theme:

Your website must look the same on all screens and devices. Your customers can use any device of any screen size for browsing your website and that’s the reason why you should pick a responsive Magento theme design for your project. This will ensure a uniform look and feel no matter which device the shopper is using. Responsive website designs also enhance conversions and improve search engine rankings.  Magento comes with a myriad of in-built responsive themes and homepage layouts that can be customised as per your requirements. Also, you can create a custom theme using the customisation options and features in Magento. You can also use other design features of Magento like AJAX compatibility for sliders, pixel-perfect designs, and more. 


An intuitive and navigational design or structure:

The competition in the eCommerce market is quite tough. It has become important to ensure your customers can get their desired products in just two or three clicks. If it takes longer to search and get the products, the customers may get impatient and may simply switch to your competitors. 


So, create an intuitive and navigational website design structure to offer an easy search and quick navigation throughout the store. 


Showcase all important information on the home page:

All information on your website must be well-organised, keeping the UI neat and clean and not messy in any way. Showcase all important information in a creative way and also ensure the content is readable. You can showcase things like new arrivals, offers, discounts, and other engaging things on your home page. Some more things you can put up on the home page are the social media icons, the shopping cart and wishlist icons, newsletter sign-up, and more such creative elements that can not only make the page look attractive but can ensure increased conversions, customer base, and sales as well. 


Add high-quality graphics and images:

From the design point of view, adding high-quality graphics and images is highly important to ensure a great customer experience and to offer a clear appearance of the web pages. The product photos and videos must look clear and professional. None of the images should look hazy at all. This enhances the quality of your entire website. 


User-friendly shopping cart:

Another key element you can add to your website design is a user-friendly shopping cart. This is a great way to turn website visitors into permanent customers. Add a shopping cart that can allow the customers to easily and quickly add or remove products from their carts and can even modify the quantity or the products in their carts easily. 


Implement SEO tactics:

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is important to get noticed on the SERPs and get a high ranking on the search engines. SEO is important especially when it is an eCommerce site as the better will be the website ranking, the more easily the customers will find your site and the more will be your site reach and conversions. What’s the point of having a website that is not noticeable in the search results? Hence, use advanced SEO tools and strategies to optimise your website like checking content duplicacy, incorporating the right keywords, integration of customer feedback, uploading multimedia content, etc.  


One of the advantages of using Magento is that it is an SEO-friendly platform, which means Magento sites are optimised. You can utilise the SEO features of Magento like metatags and meta titles for the products and catalogue pages, rich snippets, image optimisations, SEO-friendly URLs for all products and categories, XML sitemaps, canonical tags, and the other features to create SEO-optimised Magento sites. 


Include call-to-actions:

Including call-to-actions can add value to your design and can boost site conversions. Call-to-actions can also make the website more navigational if you place the appropriate links in the right way. 


Practice personalisation:

When designing a user-friendly and attractive Magento eCommerce site, make sure you end up designing something that gives a personalised experience to the customers. The entire design must be created keeping in mind that the customers can shop for whatever they want in the minimum amount of time and in a hassle-free manner. The product details must be compelling and accurate including things like product size or dimensions, weight, colour, usage or benefits of the products, etc. Use readable and elegant fonts and contrasting colours for the fonts. This can grab the customers’ attention and can make their shopping experience more personalised and easy. 


An exceptional shopping experience can lead to more sales and profit. And your Magento website design must ensure the same. Keeping these above-mentioned tips can help you create a top-notch design making the best use of Magento and its features. 

Jonathan Paul is a dedicated and expert Magento developer associated with the top Magento development company in Sydney, PHPProgrammers. The author has written this article to outline some amazing design tips you need to follow while designing and developing your Magento eCommerce website.

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