7 Common ERP Implementation Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by Alex Forsyth
Aug 3, 2021

Implementing an ERP successfully involves several steps and challenges. And here are the most common mistakes you need to avoid for successful Odoo ERP implementation


ERP implementation may be one of the most crucial decisions for your business. It may cost you more, consume several hours, and may need enough resources but as per the current scenario, every business must adopt an ERP software for more efficiency, increased productivity, improved collaboration and communication between departments, and a streamlined workflow. But yes, the implementation must be done very carefully and successfully to enjoy the long-term benefits of the software system.

In this competitive environment:

ERP software solutions can reduce administrative and operational costs by more than 60 percent. 

The software can improve business processes and the efficiency level by nearly 85 percent.

75 percent of the businesses have already adopted the system. 


Implementing the software can be a huge move for a business no matter it is a small, medium, or large-scale business, a manufacturing firm, an eCommerce business, a healthcare centre, a construction business, or anything else. But implementing it is not that simple and involves several challenges, steps, and difficulties. It is crucial to avoid a few common mistakes as well to end up successfully with the implementation process. 


And here, you can get to know the most common mistakes to avoid for a successful Odoo ERP implementation as per your business needs and processes. 


Lack of proper planning and not defining your goals:

ERP is implemented into a business system to cater to your specific business needs. And this makes it important to outline your business goals and objectives before getting started with the implementation process. A well-planned strategy and roadmap will ensure a successful and step-wise implementation of the software. Solid planning will also help to break down the entire process into small and attainable steps. Of course, you as a business owner may not have done this type of planning before, which is why you need to look for a reliable and expert ERP consultant for this. 


Not considering data migration seriously:

Data migration is one of the most crucial steps you need to take while implementing the software. You cannot afford to miss migrating any data while implementing the system as that can lead to a big loss later on. Check all customer details, product details, and other data while migrating. Also check for data duplicacy, data redundancy, and spelling errors while migrating. 


Not planning for ERP’s post-launch maintenance:

Like other software systems, ERP too needs maintenance and up-gradation services. Even after its implementation, you need to upgrade your system and maintain it frequently, especially with the release of new versions of it. 


Lack of providing proper training to the users:

Providing proper training to the users is important so that once it is implemented, the users can use the software for their business management in the right way. They must be trained for using every module and feature of the ERP. 


Improper customisation:

Every business comes with a unique set of processes and requirements. And the software must fit these unique business needs. This makes it essential to customise the software as per the business requirements and to make the software function accurately according to that. Customising it simply means implementing only the required modules and applications and not the unnecessary ones. The ERP comes with thousands of different applications and modules and your business may not need all. So, customise it to let it function flawlessly and keep the software lightweight. 


Trying to implement everything in one go:

Not involving enough resources and not investing enough time for implementation is another mistake you must avoid. Trying to finish off with the implementation process by trying to integrate everything at one go is not the right thing to do. You need to allow enough time and resources for this task. ERP implementation is a time-consuming and crucial task that involves several steps and you need to get everything done step by step to end up with a successful implementation of the software. 


Your ERP software implementation, right from planning to execution, can be a stressful process and can lead to failure if you make any of these above-mentioned mistakes during the process. Proper planning, analysing the business needs, careful data migration, proper training, accurate customisations, enough testing, and post-launch ERP maintenance can help you to implement the software correctly with the help of expert ERP services providers or reliable implementation partners as per your business needs. 


Alex Forsyth is an expert in Odoo ERP implementation associated with a reliable ERP consultancy and implementation company in Australia, Envertis Software Solutions. The author has written this article to help you identify and avoid some common mistakes while implementing the software into a business system. 

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