6 Places to See and Visit In Afghanistan

Posted by Jamie Dawson
Jul 9, 2021
If you are from Asia then you might have heard about Afghanistan. For the people who don’t know, Afghanistan is located in the centre of Asian civilization and is packed with a lot of historical places and cultural background. 

Afghanistan is home to many famous landmarks such as Blue Mosque, Basawal Cave Temples, and many more. Apart from that, it is, Afghanistan is also well-known for its delicacies. So if you visit Afghanistan next time, don’t forget to try one. However, if you want to try Afghani food in your area then simply go to Google and type ‘Afghani food near me’ and Google will provide all the suggestions in your area.

While coming back to the article, have a look at these places which you can visit while you are in Afghanistan.

1. Kandahar

Kandahar is a respected place for the Mosque of the Sacred Cloak. During the Afghan empire of Ahmad Shah Durrani, Kandahar was the capital. But today, it is a place filled with mosques, shrines, and mausoleums and people from various countries come to see the curious inscriptions of the great Mughal invader Babur on the Chilzina view which is located on the edges of the city.

2. Mazar-e Sharif

You might have seen pictures of the Blue Mosque, but might know where it is situated. Mazar-e Sharif is the place! The Blue Mosque is the burial site of Ali bin Talib who was the cousin of the Prophet Mohammad. 

This beautiful structure posses a range of arabesque and South Asian architecture and completed with gorgeous turquoise-blue domes and gold peppered minarets. 

3. Jalalabad

Jalalabad and other areas nearby were founded by Emperor Akbar. When you are in Jalalabad, don’t forget to visit the snowy peaks of the Safid Mountain Range. 

This city is also known for its citrus orchards and green parks. While in Jalalabad, you can also enjoy the mausoleum of King Amanullah Khan.

4. The Hazarchishma natural bridge

Afghanistan has many remote places which means that some of their amazing locations were discovered recently. One of them was the Hazarchishma natural bridge which is a natural stone arch located in the central highlands of the country, about 10,000 feet above sea level. 

It was carved by the waters that once flowed through (now dry) Jawzari Canyon. This bridge has a total span at its base just over 210 feet, thus making the world’s 12th largest such formation. This natural bridge formation was discovered in 2010 by the members of Wildlife Conservation Society while conducting a wildlife survey.

5. Basawal cave temples

The Basawal cave temples were made during the Buddhist Civilization which was in the region long before Islam came to Afghanistan. As the name suggests, these cave temples consist of 7 groups of structures that encompass around 150 caves. According to the archaeological experts, these caves severed different purposes such as dwelling, places of worships, and many more. 

6. The Haji Piyada Mosque

Located on the northern parts of Afghanistan, the Haji Piyada mosque measures about 20x20 meters. It might not be that huge, but its historic significance is more than its size. That is because this mosque is Afghanistan’s oldest known Islamic building and the earliest surviving structures found anywhere in the eastern Islamic world.

This mosque was built in the latter half of the 9th century. The Haji Piyada is also known as Noh Gumbad which was named after the 9 cupolas that once covered this rich structure. 
Wrapping up

So, these are some of the places that you can visit in Afghanistan and when you are there don’t forget to try their local cuisines and delicacies. Also, check out their culture, tradition and don’t forget to meet and greet new friends out there. However, if you live in Melbourne and want to try Afghan dishes then you can visit any local Afghan restaurant in Melbourne and enjoy their delicacies without spending much. One such famous Afghan restaurant is Afghan Gallery Restaurant which traditionally serves authentic Afghan dishes!
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