6 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety
About 40 million adults between 18 to 54 years in the US have anxiety disorders according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The obvious solution is to take prescription pills although these have a risk of addiction with inability not to function without them. However, natural remedies are a better option to alleviate anxiety. Read on to understand these 6 natural remedies to fight anxiety.
What is anxiety?
This is a physiological and psychological force affecting various bodily functions. Anxiety comes with various symptoms including:
- Induced heart palpitations
- Activation of sweat glands
- Muscular tension and chest pain
- Panic attacks with dying and suffocation feelings
- Depression leading to paralysis and inability to do basic tasks
- Inhibition of neural network leading to brain malfunctioning
The above symptoms are fatal and inhibit performing organized tasks. Therefore, it’s very important to have an appropriate solution to anxiety. Without using prescription medicine, look at some natural remedies to help you avoid the negative consequences of anxiety.
Bathing the olfactory senses in aromatherapy is a natural remedy for anxiety. Olfactory nerves are responsible for smell. Stimulation of this sense releases endorphins into the brain. This hormone is in two types including serotonin and encephalin to facilitate euphoria and wellbeing. Aromatherapy makes you surrounded by pleasant smells to make you happier. This leads to a natural high and relief from anxiety.
Visiting a Columbus massage center is very helpful. You’ll leave the center with relaxed muscles and improved circulation. After the massage session, all tension will be gone. Muscles accumulate toxins over time but the therapist massages the toxins from the muscles into the bloodstream. The body then naturally ejects the toxins leading to significant improvement in health. Before visiting the massage center, drink plenty of water for the body to eradicate the toxins from your system without leaving you dehydrated.
Strenuous exercise relieves stress and anxiety. This happens because exercise releases endorphins into the brain. This is the same hormone produced by the brain to experience a runner’s high. Apart from making you feel pleasant, endorphins prolong life and promote better health. Another psychological benefit of exercise is a feeling of accomplishment and reaffirmation of your sense of purpose.
Apart from breathing, ensure to meditate as well. A good option is yoga full of breathing, stretching, and meditation. This has been practiced for more than 4,000 years and gaining popularity today. Yoga eases physical discomfort caused by anxiety. Additionally, yoga also eases stress, nervousness, and improves mindfulness. For such wonderful features, yoga is a wonderful remedy to relieve panic disorders resulting from anxiety.
Warm bath
For an instant fix for anxiety, immersing your body in warm water relaxes the muscles. A good idea is to combine the warm bath with nice smelling bath oils for a maximum relaxation potential. Take time to soak at the moment for the warmth of the bath to calm you. Even the feeling of cleanliness lessens anxiety for relief without any panic attacks.
Getting quality sleep is a good idea to fight anxiety. Sleep significantly affects the brain leading to a significant effect on mental health. A simple nap works like a reset button to allow your body to heal and make you view life positively. When feeling nervous, getting sleep for about twenty minutes will revive you to feel better. This is because sleep gives the body and brain time to heal.
See a therapist
Perhaps you suffer from debilitating anxiety resulting from underlying issues. The solution is to visit a therapist to discover the cause of the problem to find an appropriate remedy. Keep in mind that even talk therapy has worked immensely to help people get relief from anxiety. There’s a chance that you just don’t feel comfortable talking about some issues to anyone. The therapist offers the audience you seek to get relief from anxiety.
Stress and anxiety are impossible to keep away from your life. However, you don’t have to let them take over your life. There are various remedies to consider as outlined above. Natural remedies such as regular massage by a professional therapist are a better option to prescription pills that might become addictive. Ensure to find a reputable massage center for regular sessions to make you feel relieved and relaxed from anxiety.
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