5 Trends to keep an eye on in 2018 for Cloud Infrastructure Services

Posted by Pawan Yadav
Jun 18, 2018

Cloud infrastructure services is a form of internet-based computing that is recently being adopted by several businesses due to many advantages that this technology provides. By integrating and sharing relevant computer data to a common cloud infrastructure solution (which is generally a third-party server) for all, businesses can enjoy several benefits.

In fact, one can confidently say that the requirement for cloud infrastructure has never been higher than ever before. This is because of the following needs that are arising in the businesses of today, which are mentioned as follows:

  1. Outsourcing to avoid unnecessary costs: Setting up you own cloud infrastructure management services isn’t as simple as you might think. The expenditure incurred on purchasing and setting up these dedicated servers, along with the workforce that is required to maintain these cloud infrastructure services is quite substantial as well. Outsourcing this task to a dedicated cloud-based computing company instead is a more financially feasible decision.

  1. Requiring fast and easy solutions: If a company is going for third-party cloud infrastructure services, then it can be said that the process to get the entire thing started up is generally faster and easier than what would've been the case if this process was internalised. There is no need to set up dedicated servers on a network (a process is especially hard to carry out by small-scale businesses) since everything is handled by dedicated third-party services.

  1. The need for increased scalability: Cloud managed services involve a system called ‘multi-tenancy.’ What this entails is that, instead of using a different cloud application for every business, a universal app is used to monitor different businesses. These apps are generally highly flexible since they provide organisations with a greater degree of customisation to their own preferences. By freeing up resources and facilitating a faster level of data connectivity through a relatively simplified system, firms will have the ability to improve the overall scalability of their business by a considerable extent.

  1. Reliable data management: Most notable third-party cloud managed services are very reliable when it comes to management of data. The parent company doesn’t need to bother itself with constant software updates, upkeep of the cloud infrastructure or anything else along the same lines. Servicing is done solely by the affiliated third-party, and any problems with the software will likely be resolved in a matter of minutes.

  1. Having a secured data backup: Maintaining a physical backup of data is always a risky proposition due to the unpredictable lifespans of certain hard drives, or any other storage device for that matter. Cloud infrastructure solutions resolve this problem by allowing companies to keep a virtual backup of all their important data on their respective third-party cloud server. Some providers also offer geo-redundant backup, which means that the company’s data will be saved in multiple centres across different locations to improve security and reduce the likelihood of the backup data being corrupted.

So, it can confidently be said that cloud infrastructure services will go a long way when it comes to ensuring that the enterprise analytics solution will be developed to a massive extent. This will allow the companies of tomorrow to meet their ever-developing requirements of tomorrow and see to it that any business problems will become nothing more than a thing of the past.

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