5 Potty Training Tips For Your Little Ones

Posted by Tracie Johnson
Oct 18, 2023

Potty training is not for the weak! It is a stage that many parents both look forward to and dread, but one that must happen one way or the other. Whether it's your first time or your fifth time, there are bound to be struggles along the way. No two children are alike when it comes to learning to use the toilet. What works for one may not work for the next, so it is important to explore some tips to make the training process work more smoothly. Let's explore a few of the best tips for making potty training a success with as little stress as possible.

Timing is Everything

Never try to speed up the potty training process. Your child will not do well if she is not ready. Many children are ready around 18-24 months old, though some will take longer. Look for cues from your child such as showing interest in the toilet, staying dry for longer periods, and telling you when she needs to go. Your child may also hide to pee or poop or tell you after they've gone. Don't rush the process. Just be patient and wait until you see signs that your child is ready.

Consistency & Routine Are Key

Consistency is key as a parent, with potty training and just about everything else. Once you've established that it is time to potty train, create a routine and stick with it. Establish times to go, set an alarm to remind you and your toddler that it's potty time, and don't give up! Use consistent language about pottying so as not to confuse your toddler. And of course, be sure everyone involved in your child's care knows the routine as well.

Be Positive

Children get discouraged easily. You need to stay positive throughout the potty training process, even when messy accidents occur. Potty training can be very frustrating to both toddlers and parents. Remind yourself how rewarding the final achievement is, and keep a positive attitude. No two children are the same, so if you've been through the process before just remember that this child is unique and will not work through the steps of potty training the same as others. Take a deep breath power through. The final results will be worth every bit of forcing a smile during the hard times.

Educate Yourself

Whether potty training is a foreign subject to you or you need some extra pointers, resources on potty training are readily available. Scour the web and look for trusted advice from an  experienced potty training specialist. You may also want to seek advice from friends, family, or even your pediatrician. Talk with people who have been through potty training and ask for ideas on what has worked for others in the past. Be sure to gather as many pointers as possible, as some will work and others may not. When you find a tip or trick that isn't helping, move on and find something else. If you search for potty training tips online, you'll find hundreds of ideas to work with.

Make It Fun

Kids love fun! Instead of turning potty training into a chore, throw some extra entertainment into the process. Find fun potty training accessories like colorful undies with her favorite characters. Create a sticker chart, allowing your toddler to add a sticker every time she successfully uses the potty. Learn some potty songs or create your own wacky tune for extra giggles. Celebrate milestones throughout the process, showing your toddler that you are proud while giving her something to be proud of herself. When fun is involved, the task of potty training is a lot less work.


Once you've done all your research and established that your toddler is ready to tackle the toilet, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get started. Remember to stay positive even through accidents and setbacks. Establish a routine from the very beginning and stay consistent. Have fun with potty training to encourage your toddler to try. Milestones in your toddler's life come and go quickly, so cherish the potty training stage. Parting ways with the diapers is a milestone worth working hard for!

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