5 common myths about air purifiers and why you should buy it online

Posted by Amili R.
Aug 5, 2019

Every winter season, cases related to rising air pollution become the headlines of newspapers. However, once the season gets over, we tend to forget the much chaos. There is no doubt in the fact the quality of air has got degraded badly all across the country but the rising awareness about the same can only be seen in big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata.

For many of us, dealing with air pollution is as simpler as wearing a pollution mask while travelling through dusty roads. Apart from this, big companies tap this opportunity by scaring people about the disastrous ill effects of poor air quality and compelling them to buy expensive gadgets like air purifiers seem gimmicky.

In a country like India, it is quite difficult to sell a product that costs more than a refrigerator or microwave, especially just for cleansing the air. People don’t realize the hazardous effects of PM 2.5, PM 10 until they face a direct impact of the same.

To end up this confusion, here are 5 popular myths about air purifiers in India.

Indoor air cleansers are not worthy as there is no way to regular indoor air quality

The air quality inside a home could be more dangerous than outdoors due to dust, smoke emerging from cooking, incense sticks and other sources such as pets. As we spend most of our time indoors, this poor-quality air inside our homes affects our health considerably and makes us sick.

Therefore, you should pay huge consideration to your indoor air quality just like you pay to outdoor.

Air Purifiers are not effective if doors and windows of the room are open

The truth is that air purifiers become more effective when doors and windows are kept open as fresh air circulation helps in eradicating pollutants quickly. In addition, the fan of the air purifier can be operated at lower levels when doors and windows are kept open.

A good purifier is the one that eliminates odors

It is necessary to understand that not all air cleaning machines remove odors. These machines are primarily designed to remove harmful air pollutants. And when it comes to remove odors, different types of carbon filters are used. HEPA filters alone can’t treat odor issues.

Air cleansers are effective only for smaller areas

Every air cleaner has its own Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) which is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). This rating means that the air purifier will purify the air of the entire room basis its capacity. So, whether you sit near or farther from it, it doesn’t make any difference as long as the air purifier is capable of treating the entire room.

Air cleaners are not required for rooms that have ACs

Whether you buy AC online or from a nearby store, air conditioning has nothing to do with air purification. Most of the air conditioners available in the market are not effective against molds, pollen, and other air-borne pollutants.

So, if you’re looking to buy air purifier online, be confident about the same as it is surely the most powerful and effective way to get rid of poor indoor air quality.


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