4 Secrets Of Providing A Great Checkout Experience in eCommerce

Feb 20, 2019

Conversions in an eCommerce site rely chiefly on the checkout experience that the store provides and in the true sense, checkout can make or break the business. This article attempts to bring some key ways to make the checkout experience too simple and user-friendly for assured conversions.

Abandoned carts are the biggest losses that can happen to an eCommerce store. The reasons for an abandoned cart might be several, but one prominent reason is the weak checkout experience. While researches too say that higher abandonment rate (about 75% in 2018) was due to the issues in the checkout process, it is high time that every successful and flourishing eCommerce companies should think of redesigning their checkout stages. With online buyers getting impatient day by day, it is necessary to make the checkout pages simple in usability and quick in processing.

To get the goal of NO CART ABANDONMENT, here are some of the fruitful tips to follow if you are really looking ahead to improve your checkout experience.

Get simple design elements

The first thing to follow for making the checkout pages easy in terms of usability is making the design, i.e. colour palette, fonts or typography simple yet luring. Maximum of buyers claimed that they judge the reliability of the company at the checkout. So, it needs to clear in design,  accentuate the theme of the brand and have visible buttons to take actions.

Linking to the shopping cart page should be apparent

While the only goal of shoppers is to get a fine product and buy it, your checkout stage should help them get one-step ahead to their goal. For this, make sure the link to the shopping cart from the product page is very clearly accessible to them. Besides, be careful about showing all detailed price information on the cart and allow the buyers to finish shopping anytime with an available button.

More number of Payment options

While redesigning the checkout, make sure you are including as many as payments options possible including the latest trending options like mWallets, Google Pay, Apple Pay and so forth. It is a much-required action now because restricting your payment modes just to COD (Cash on delivery), Credit, debit cards might cause you a loss of many technically updated shoppers.

Streamline the checkout procedure

The checkout process is a step-by-step process and so the longer it gets,  the more annoying it becomes. Most buyers get irritated when they have to enter numerous fields or too many personal details for checking out. The only way is to ask the buyers a few essential data including their financial details. Also, allow your checkout fields to save up those details so that buyers need not have to enter them again for successive purchases.

Thus, the next time you are wondering why buyers are coming, taking a look at your products but are not converting, cross-check your checkout process. Identify the flaws or loopholes and get these above suggestions done right with the help of a reliable eCommerce development team to see your conversions getting high.

Jonathan Paul is an OpenCart developer in Australia,  a leading web development company that strives to bring intelligent and intuitive eCommerce solutions for businesses in all realms. Even though an OpenCart expert, he keeps himself aware of the latest uproars of other popular platforms and advanced eCommerce trends.

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