4 Easy Ways To Stay Vegan While Traveling

Nov 12, 2019
Veganism is becoming more mainstream in the current year, as prominent people and celebrities are becoming more vocal with their new all-green lifestyle. 

However, this doesn’t mean that an animal-free food life is without its challenges. Most likely, you'll find yourself in a room full of non-vegans who might offer you food that you’ll have to  politely decline. Travelling on a vegan diet is not difficult, really, but it can be quite the predicament. 

So how can you stay vegan without going experiencing a dietary roadblock or an awkward situation with your host?

Here are four tips you should take note of before packing for your next adventure:

1. Use an App

Make the most out of today’s technology and use an app to meet your vegan needs. Some apps can give you easy vegan recipes, while others will point you to the nearest vegan-friendly restaurant if you are craving to eat out and more!

2. Pack High Protein Snacks

You can never go wrong with high-protein snacks.They are fresh regardless of the climate, easy to eat, healthy and most importantly, yummy!

3. Cook your Food

Eating outside can be very expensive, so if you are staying in a place where you can make your food, take advantage of it. Go to the nearest grocery store or supermarket, buy tons of fruit and veggies to store in your mini-fridge for later grabs.

4. Research your Destination

This step is important. Unless you're going on a specialized vegan culinary cruise, acquainting yourself with your travel destination’s food norm is the best thing to do to avoid culture shock. You can also connect yourself with the local vegan community. Aside from getting info about your destination directly from the locals, you might also make a friend or two! 

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, your chosen lifestyle mustn’t get in the way of making your trip exciting and memorable. Just follow these simple steps and you can throw your anxiety out in the window. Enjoy!

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