3 Scientifically Proven Ways of Treating Sports Injuries

Posted by Michael Griffin
Nov 29, 2017
Sports injuries can happen when exercising or playing a sport. It can also occur due to other types of athletic activities such as in-game accidents. It can be categorized into different types: acute injuries that occur suddenly when performing any type of athletic activities and chronic injuries happen when the victim exercise or plays the game for a long period of time.

Their treatment process depends on different factors such as the type of the injury, severity, and location. When treating this type of conditions it is important to know the available options for it. Some conditions need to treat with physical therapy whether some need surgery. Sometimes, athletes can easily get rid of pain or sometimes it requires all the above procedure to treat an injury. Athletes are always suggested to consult a sports physician before deciding his treatment method. Here are the top 3 scientifically proven treatment methods that work amazingly at treating different sport injuries.

PRICE Therapy

PRICE stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This is suitable for treating minor conditions like strains and sprains. Check below how it works:

  1. Protection – By using a support, people can protect the affected area and enhance the healing process.
  2. Rest - Avoiding physical activities like exercising faster the healing process.
  3. Ice - Applying ice pack on the affected area reduce the pain. But it is suggested to not apply ice directly on the skin unless it will cause ice burn.
  4. Compression – By using compression bandages around the affected area, athletes can reduce swelling.
  5. Elevation – By keeping the injured body raised above the level of the heart, users can limit the swelling.

Pain Relief Pills and Gels

Painkillers like paracetamol can be consumed directly with water to ease the pain. But kids under 16 years old are extremely suggested to not take this type of pills. On the other hand, by applying anti-inflammatory gel and spray athletes can also expect short-term relief.


When it comes to getting rid of long-term injury, physiotherapy can be the best available solution. Through professional massage treatment, players can expect improvement when moving the affected body part (or area). By enhancing the strength of the surrounding muscle of the injured area athlete will experience normal functionality and movement.

So these are the 3 popular and scientifically proven ways of treating sports injuries. But athletes must consult a sports physician to understand which method will suit best for them. Treatment of this type injury depends on many different factors such as the way one has got injured to the part of the body that has been affected. So, consulting with a professional ensure the best possible result.

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