What if You Took, APSense Seriously, What would HAPPEN?

Posted by Joseph Botelho
May 31, 2011
May 31, 2011

What if You Took, APSense Seriously, What would Happen?

When you re read the title of this article, it has a reason for me writing it.  We are here for one logical reason. APSense has the tools we need to use as marketers on the internet.  The most important thing you can do when you join APSense is create a honest profile, revise it over and over until it is who you are.

This very simple but effective concept will provide you with immediate credibility within our community. This is called "Branding Your Self" providing vital information to whether l have a desire to do business with YOU and Your Company.....As a trainer for General Motors in sales l learned the most important ingredient of success!!!  Make a lasting impression, showcase your talents, all you need to do.

We all have this incredible ability for success, but we forget the most important part of this process, is training our minds, on our abilities for future goals in life.  Just "STOP"....think about what l just said, we invest for all the wrong reasons.  We need to invest on our mind set, when we do this the rest comes natural..

This process indicates all of your weaknesses, constructively, all you have to do is apply the solutions to them.  Instead of hoping to the next program, invest in your abilities, learn the systems, follow creative thinkers who understand marketing and achieving your dreams and desires......

This is going to be step one..............
l will have more for you to actually become the very best you can be....Most of all just never looked it at that way....

Review more information on this Group
Helping One another Become The Best They Can Be!!

All The Best,

Joseph F. Botelho

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Comments (35)
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

APSense has more to offer a "Free Member" then any other social business site has other then Linkedin. We have taken a lot of good solid steps built a soild foundation....With the new and improved APSense just around the corner.........our members and all who join and learn and master what we teach and share with you .....how can you fail.....if you fail their is a reason......YOU WILL SEE THAT REASON IN THE MIRROR.........opps my dad told me that though l would share it with you all.........h

Jan 7, 2012 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Learning this will enhance our imagine one day at a time................you have that ability.. when we all take APSense seriously we will all benefit from one another

Jun 18, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Thank you Dave, exactly why l wrote it, way too much going on.........articles are not article, you know what l mean....but we need to change our thinking...

Jun 9, 2011 Like it
Dave Gilbert

Web Entreprenuer

Could not have said it better myself paula if apsense is to be taken seriously then it has to start with the members taking it seriously, Apsense is a great site if your prepared to dig through all the junk posts and step around those that are only interested in taking your money or stirring trouble when an obvious illegal program is exposed

Jun 9, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Hi Paula, Thanks for the solid support, it will have a definite impact for all members.......we know that...

Jun 9, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Quote: What if You Took, APSense Seriously, What would HAPPEN?
What if people would start to take them selves seriously? And started setting up both personal profile and ABC properly. What if they would take all the APSense tools seriously and use them correctly in stead of using them to post rubish and scam programs. What if APSense mebers would actualy read tips on how to use APSense in stead of only collect the credits to use them to post crap? I know what would happen. It would sky rocket A

Jun 7, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

With all due respect................yep regardless of time zones..........we will get the job done........if have that desire......the key is understanding what works.............why it works..creating streams of viral marketing, is how APSense will be Ranked.............will we benefit>>>>>>>you know that answers.............The real questions is how will you contribute to our success..................only you know that answer...............

All The Best,

Joseph F. Botelho

Jun 7, 2011 Like it
MD Kamruzzaman

Computer Engineer

I will be looking out for more it.Now you've got us all intrigued. What's in store now? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Wincer has a 12-hour difference with me. He goes to bed late, and I rarely see him online before 10am his time. I think he knows how to take care of hmself. And he certainly knows how to take care of us. :)

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I'm still wondering when Wincer sleeps. He always working on improving APSense.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


yeah Joseph.I know you and Wincer have a long shared history. I know how busy Wincer is and so I am honorred he has established personal contact with me through Skype. LOL I try not to bother him with futillities.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Yea l know what you mean Paula, l just know him a lot longer then you do.............no big deal.........all good, sometimes we plan this stuff............you buy that.............he is a very determined man.............very clever, articulated, understands our direction...............and needs leaders like your self and a few others here...............Neville very soon your teeth will reap the rewards and blow away your taste buds........:}

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Neville Dinning

Independent Consultant

I can smell the steak cooking. It sure is tempting. Can't wait to sink my teeth into the juicy steak.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Thank you Cheryl, l have never found that formula................l just understand what works.................for all of us..............am l really a dinosaur if l was what would l been..................yep hard work dedication, honesty, respect for one another is what makes APSense what it is..................forget all the ..............you know what...concentrate in your ability what and where you should invest in; is in "YOU"

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


LOL my lips are sealed. One of the rules of maintaining good connections is not to spill the beans and share info shared in private and in good trust.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Joseph has been here since the beginning, He is one of us APSense dinosaurs. But the dinosaurs are still here we are not extinct and it's because we dinosaurs live by one thing as it was so nicely put
"If we actually apply this approach daily, do a little not a lot, but be consistent with your direction"

There is no magic bullet, no secret formula. It all about consistency, that is how you build credibility.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.


No different when yo put a steak on the BBQ, it smells so good will taste as good as it smells..............yea The APSense Team has a very creative marketing plan.............along with some additional enhanced features to perform quicker more efficient and provide us with additional rewards.....

Yep you will like it, now think of how good that steak smells Neville.............l am even getting hungry..

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Neville Dinning

Independent Consultant

Now you've got us all intrigued. What's in store now? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Jun 1, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Yea he sure is.................yea we do have something special...........really kewl.......will have an impact on all of us.............and our abilities thank you ladies............

May 31, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Great article Joseph. Branding yourself and establishing credability and trust is a keystone for any business. APSense provides the tools for that. If only people would take the time to use them the proper way instead of using them to publish spam, copy/paste junk and articles and revpages saying no more than "Hey stranger, join my business and please upgrade". Unfortunately many people measure succes only in dollars. When their paypal account is not flooded with payments within a few months the

May 31, 2011 Like it
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