Do you believe lazy marketers can be educated?

Posted by Philippe Moisan
Apr 25, 2011
Do you believe lazy marketers can be educated?

First, let me define what I mean by a lazy marketer. It's a person who will in do one or many of the following things:
  1. Send a link to you in a PM right after accepting your contact request
  2. Send a contact request to you, then send a link in a PM right after you accepted
  3. Post a link as a comment in your article
  4. Post 2-word comments like "great info", "good article", "nice site"
  5. Copy and paste parts of the content of your article as a comment
  6. Puts truckloads of links in profile, no personal info at all
  7. "I will add bio later"
  8. Writes very short articles
  9. Puts only a banner as the article content
  10. Copies an article from another source and doesn't reveal he/she is not the original author
  11. Repeats in the "write review" section of a RevPage what was written in the "About" section
  12. Joins "add a comment" campaigns writing the same comment in every campaign, what I call a pass-through comment
  13. Writes a testimonial to a member but doesn't mention anything specific about the member, or worse, advertises something
  14. Jumps from one program to another instead of working the programs he/she is part of
  15. Puts a link into the status
  16. Creates a group but doesn't post subjects
  17. Will put only minimal info in his/her APSense Business Center ( ABC )
I'm sure I could find other things to add to the list. I expect people reading the article will make suggestions. They are welcome to do so. I will top your comments.

Now, some people believe that marketers that practice these ways of "building" a business can't or won't change.

I believe otherwise. Of course, I don't expect to be able to make every lazy marketer change habits. But if I'm successful at educating just a few, well, to me, it's worth the effort.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see less lazy marketing at APSense nowadays. I'm not saying there is none at all. But it mostly comes from new members who:
  • Think they can get away with it
  • Are not well informed as to the proper ways of doing business
  • Are in a hurry to have other members join their programs
Do you take the time to say politely to someone sending you a link in a PM that you don't accept unsolicited links? I've done that many times. I've rarely been blocked afterwards. Those that are upset, I guess it would have been a waste of time to try to build a relationship with that person in the first place.

Are you afraid to use the "report abuse" link? Don't be. Nothing bad will happen to you. Back in the last months of 2010, not only did I use the link repeatedly, but me and Dawie used to go spam hunting. We found some kind of wicked fun in doing so. Any member who had abused an article soon became known as a non serious marketer.

When I see a link in the status, I click the "add comment" in the News Feed and suggest to the member that it might be better to post something else to get better attention from serious members.

Don't put truckloads of links in your profile. I believe most members will simply pass by, cause they'll see you as someone who is int interested in building relationships. Realize we are all marketers at APSense. There are tens of thousands of us, with more than 150 new members every day.

The ABC is an awesome resource for someone not having his/her own website. Learn to use it. Look at what other members have done, be inspired by their efforts.

Please don't use testimonials as a spam tool. It can be so much valuable. You'll see, after some time, when many people get to know and appreciate you, you'll get testimonials and you'll understand the value.

Writing 2-word comments is useless. Please, just top the article. Seeing a ton of "good article" in comments is not something a serious marketer looks forward to. We want to know something about you, or if you share additional information, people will look forward to your own articles.

Writing very short articles doesn't look very professional. There are exceptions, like when we simply put an Easter Bunny, that's enjoyable. :)

Building an online business is not a hobby. It's something that can have important ramifications in your life if you treat it as such. In the long run, that's what you will see.

In conclusion, yes, I do believe lazy marketers can be educated

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Comments (14)
Ety D.


thanks for this information

Apr 26, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

hey l will do it now....give me a few minutes should be up and running shortly...:} thank you Phil

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Where are my manners? Thanks a lot for very nice feedback. I will top your comment, Joseph.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Joseph, go ahead, my friend, some points are really specifically about things that can be done at APSense, but others are more general.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

This is very well written article, have now read it several times..and the more l read it the more sense it makes to me....Phil l would like to post this on the blog with you are OK with it......more people need to be educated on this topic...thanks for a wonderful article,,,

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


I agree with Cheryl. Sometimes. Not often. It depends if they are lazy in character or not aware that social marketing is more than pasting links.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I don't like to generalize. I would compare it to addiction. Some recover from it, when they realize it's not giving them the results they want after all.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

The reason you see less of it is simple, some of the worst of the offenders have been limited due to habitual laziness and member reports, not because they have changed. A new person who does not know better is not lazy-they just don't know any better and when educated they will change and do things the right way.

The lazy will continue to be lazy until they have realized that they keep getting limited and then go away. But once they realize that the limit is lifted they will be back with t

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Thanks for the very nice comment, Robert. Being lazy here and there is normal and human, being lazy consistently is not good for business.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Robert Bridge

Social Media Management, traffic to website, searc

Some great examples here Philippe we've all tried them and you write them so eloquently this is why failure is so obvious, when everything is said and done the internet is a very lazy place. Even for those that succeed. following through and avoiding these mistakes will save a reader a truckload of bad habits. I feel very lazy these days and keep yawning, soon I get out again and start working out, eating the food that makes me healthy and get out regularly sharing face to face these things and

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

LOL Your comments inspire me to find resources to learn English and write an article about it

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Alirio Benavides Enr...

Thanks Dr. Philippe. by his knowledge

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I think it's worth it to learn good enough English to increase your business results, Alirio. I'm sure there are plenty of online free resources out there for that.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Alirio Benavides Enr...

Thanks very well I am one of them the reason, not no English I'm learning from you the expert.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
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