My Father Has Passed On
I am writing to tell you that my father, Mr. Gregory Chike Agha has passed on. He died on the night of 21st April, 2011, at about 8.20 pm. He was aged 77 years.
He left me and five other children and my mother, his wife of 44 years.
His burial and other funeral ceremonies will come up in due course; maybe in June 2011. We are still talking and building consensus on the date since all interests have to be taken into account.
You might be wondering why we will take so long to bury him. Well, funeral among the Igbos of Eastern Nigeria is not a child's play. If you have read "Things Fall Apart", the funeral described in the book is what generally happens during the burial of important persons and my father, Ezeanata, is (sorry, was(it will take time to get used to it)) an important person.
He was a member of our Traditional Ruler's Cabinet.
We are already missing him.
May his soul rest in peace.
Ezeanata, jee nke oma. (Ezeanata, safe journey).
Note please: I will find time to tell you what happens during our funerals and what will happen during my late father's funeral. At least two hefty cows will be slaughtered among other things. More later.
Comments (33)
Scott Cloran
Security Officer
I know how it feels,my mother passed 2 years ago.
It will be ok and he is in a better place now.
All the best
Martin Ayres
Computer Consultant
I Know how you Feel sorry for your troubles May he rest in peace, I Lost a brother and a daughter to heaven as well so god bless to all of them
Joseph Botelho
Working on one project at a time.
I feel your pain my brother, lost my dad on June 2 2010 seems like yesterday.....and mom not doing very leave laptop at home......and enjoy your last day with your dad......
Its the last one and should fully focused on....his your day we only have one now his is gone l wrote one about my dad also....
My Dad My Hero.....
I miss him large............big time
my prayers too you and your family
Joseph Botelho
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
Thanks Mohinder. I hope I can take my laptop home during the funeral to show them all the messages of support we are receiving from all parts of the world. I think I will do it.
Thanks again.
Mohinder Singh
May the Almighty God grant you enough strength Bronnamdi to bear this VIP loss in your family. May you also prove strongest pillar of support to your loving mother during her testing period in life. Let the homage to such a important person be a befitting and memorable one with the most fitting funeral to take place on earth, with so many well wishing prayers seeking peace to his noble soul in Heaven! Amen! Wishing you the best in life all the way from India.
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
Thanks Allan, Philippe and Fred for your condolences.
@Fred The character was Okonkwo Adi, the great Adi. The flutist was singing;
"Okonkwo Adi is dead
The Great Adi is dead
Come and pay him homage
Come and give him fitting funeral"
There will also be such flutists during my father's burial.
Fred Mugone
Health, Wellness, e-Business
Condolences Bronnamdi. May your fathers soul rest in eternal peace. I have read Things fall apart - by Chinua Achebe, if I remember right. It was one of our literature in English course books when I was in Form 4 (O-Levels) in 1982. In it, I remember reading about the funeral of one of the characters (I forget which one, its such a long time ago - 29years ago), and that has made easier to understand why the Igbo burials take "so long." Once again, condolences Bronnamdi.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I offer you my sympathies, Nnamdi.
Allan Haastrup
I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
Thanks Cheryl. We appreciate your prayers.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
You and your family have my prayers.
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
Amen. Thanks Tauheed.
May his Soul Rest in Peace...