From Setbacks to Getting Back Your Life!

Posted by Joseph Botelho
Apr 16, 2011
April 16, 2011

From Setbacks to Getting Back Your Life!

There is never a better time in your life to set a new standard of goals when you have had; a real bad setback in your life. This is when it will count the most; you need new directions for you to reach out and get your life back.  It happened to me back in 2004; l took an enormous hit, but l listen to my dad who told the answer was in the mirror.   God bless him, he was so correct; my attitude was not functional for what l just went through.

The hardest thing for any of us to admit is that we failed. And it was not my fault and make up the obstacles that will hold you back from obtaining the success; and your life back.  You need to find and develop a new positive attitude for you to reach your new spiritual and financial goals.

The question here is how do "YOU" perform this transition? What l have heard and still hear is many of us have a hard time accepting setbacks in life.  The key factors you need to grasp fully and understand is you need to let go of things that have happened to you and please forget about putting a whole new set of objectives in front of ourselves.

The main reasons are that our self-esteem has been shattered and have little desire or motivation that it will take you to accomplish these new goals and find the success we all dream about.  Just remember these words on this topic. 

Show me a person male or female who's never made a mistake, and l will tell you one thing they have never done a thing in their life's this is a fact.

An error in life are part of reminding us that we are only humans and should encourage us to step out on a limb, and try something different.

Apply this newly founded attitude as an opportunity to sharpen your knife, and become more creative in your life!!

When you watch this man overcoming the most tragical consequence that one had to deal with as a child, then as an adult you will understand and found the courage to fight back and get your life to where it use to be.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho

 free web site traffic and promotion
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Comments (6)
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Hey My Rollin friends from Philly,
Yea exactly what do you do with it?....when l wrote this article l felt the pain and the desire to never look back...when we have a calculated game plan then we have a fighting chance.....

APSense allows to express this type of networking....the cost is your efforts all it is for now....learn apply and succeed......we all have different dreams and reason for wanting success......what i s yours....right..
enjoy it....thank you

Apr 17, 2011 Like it
Selya Rollins

Creative Imagery

Great video Joseph, shows how we can turn our problems into opportunities...what you do with it!

Apr 16, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.


Thank you well you had to live it to understand what l wrote.....yea will have the ability to get our life's back....l did a good job of getting it back.........not easy just need to follow your gut, heart and most of all have a that all can be have an idea of what l had to deal with recently not back in 2004 but recently.....anyhow thanks for the kind words.

Apr 16, 2011 Like it
Katrina O.

Indiana Water Filters

Topped, Tweeted and Shared! Very well put!

Apr 16, 2011 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Hi Lee, we all have in life and some of us have never recover but l hope when you do read this and realize you can have your life back it will help when you understand the steps it will take you to get it back....thanks for the comment

Apr 16, 2011 Like it
Lee L.

The Gram Savings Plan

I've certainly had my share of failures, mistakes and setbacks in life...been through some very low periods also, nothing as serious as some folks however. I find, for me, it's more healthful to try to maintain a positive attitude and not worry too much about things I cannot change.

Apr 16, 2011 Like it
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