Are Traffic Exchanges Worth the Risk?
Recently, I have quit almost all the Traffic Exchanges that I had signed up for. Why? Well, one simple reason. I hate getting spy wear and viruses! My computer is like my car, my ride to work every day, I insist that it remain in tip top shape!
I thought I have deleted my account in those most likely to contain a virus. The other day, I surfed 5 sites, 100 pages each. The next day, my computer was running funny, so I did a boot virus scan and 2 viruses were found! Really!! What does one gain from infecting other marketers in this manner? Eliminating the competition?
That is it! I am done. APSense TE will soon be the only one I surf with any regularity!
Here is my thought. The only downline I have gotten from a TE is unresponsive, or they sign up with fake information. So really why bother!?
Partners I have found through other methods, are much more active and know why they are joining an opportunity.
I thought I have deleted my account in those most likely to contain a virus. The other day, I surfed 5 sites, 100 pages each. The next day, my computer was running funny, so I did a boot virus scan and 2 viruses were found! Really!! What does one gain from infecting other marketers in this manner? Eliminating the competition?
That is it! I am done. APSense TE will soon be the only one I surf with any regularity!
Here is my thought. The only downline I have gotten from a TE is unresponsive, or they sign up with fake information. So really why bother!?
Partners I have found through other methods, are much more active and know why they are joining an opportunity.
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Comments (27)
Pete Balasch Jr.
Internet Marketer Pod caster
I agree Allan The TEs are going Social its all about Know like and Trust you want to brand yourself. Banners are super for that put your Pic on them. And your sites should give folks enough information to Get there Curiosity. Brand your self the more that folks see your face they will get to know you. Its so very Powerful
Michael Hayes
I've never had that experience (virus).I only use TE's to promote other TE's. And you're right, for the most part the down line is comatose.
Allan Haastrup
Nice point about the TE's the annoying spyware/viruses. But then again, it's a matter of protecting your machinery.
I do find TE's useful. First of all to brand yourself to other marketers surfing for crdits. If they keep seeing your splashpage with your picture on it the effect is terrific.
Admitted, many times there isn't any real signup results, but I must admit I've managed to sign up, over time, quite a few, into programs with monhtly payments so there definately is customers and mone
Alice MrRebate
I had a traffic exchange and run it for a year. I never personally seen any traffic from them that was any good. I could not build quality traffic for people on my own exchange. I just do not think any of the buying pubic will ever join one. Therefore, the members you have are mostly other TE owners.
Pete Balasch Jr.
Internet Marketer Pod caster
I am an upgraded to the Max member of about 20 Traffic Exchanges I also have top of the Notch Corporate Protection for my computer. Folks are Marketing on TEs with Blogs I use Capture pages. I get signups in my programs Sure some folks are Duds. They work if you do them correctly. Also many of the new TEs are Going Social and that is big really big. I also do list builders again Top accounts in the 30 plus I belong to I can email about 100,000 every 3 days. I started small at first. And reinvest
Paula van Dun
I have sufficient protection too. I also agree with Catherine White that you have the best results if you use unique splashes and banners
Jeannette Noding
TE's may be a great starting point but if you get no actual sales from them, then what's the point? I just wasted time an money with it. I know that this business takes time to build but why waste the time when you don't even get anything to build a list with. I so far am sticking with ezines, blogs and networking on social sites. At least I am getting something out of it.
Catherine White
I understand the risk of surfing at TE's but I have enough virus protection it blocks anything unusual.
If you are using TE's to get sign ups to your program, then you are using them wrong. It is correct to say you will not get responsive members in this manner.
To use traffic exchanges correctly, you want to use the new ones which encourage social interaction. Actually take time to chat with people. You will be surprised how many good sign ups I have gotten this way. Then, use pages w
Allison Steinman
Affiliate marketer
I agree that TE's are a great starting point. An easy free way to get traffic to a site or blog. I started in TE's and am now branching further out into forums etc. which are great, but I have to say that a traffic exchange will work if you work it.
However, viruses are NOT COOL. The people who have mentioned getting viruses from their TE's should list which ones they are sense in keeping quiet and allowing a perfectly good marketing tool to get a bad rep by giving people a bad day.
Paula van Dun
There are many programs like some PPC sites you need a huge downline for and where you get paid something when they sign up even if they do nothing after that. TE's are good to promote such things and to get noticed and to make new programs or special prom's known. In general I have best results with social marketing but occasionally I also get signups from TE's. i do not use many credit mailers but I do get some results of some smaller ones.
Stacey Whitney
Internet Marketer
I have kept a couple that I have used for a very long time also Cindy because I have gotten results from them and still do at times.
Yes setup takes a little while but once done there is no more fooling with them. I have no plans of joining anymore though, too many viruses and malware on the go right now.
Cindy Bolley
@jnoding I opened 2 new gmail accounts that are only for Te's and safelists period
Nothing comes to my main inbox.
And I created folders for each Te and safelist
Setup takes bit but in the end it it worth it.
and tracking of course is a must otherwise how till you know which ones are good and which ones are not.
Jeannette Noding
I was like that as well, I just got tired of my mailbox being filled and no one really looking at my sites. All they were doing is getting the credits or points to post theirs. There are a couple that I still toy with and get some traffic from, but that's all.
Cindy Bolley
Well... I for one like to use TE's
I have a couple that I really like.
I have many that I wouldn't use at all.
I use them not only as one way of marketing
but also to get ideas.
When your first starting out traffic exchanges
are a good way to learn how to set up tracking, learn how to set up several TE's each in it's own tab so that when you click one link they all open up. Many people are to scared to start out blogging. So if a new person especially were just starting out I think that
Netra B.
Social Media/ Marketing Expert
I am on the fence concerning TE leaning towards not wasting time with them..
Katrina O.
Indiana Water Filters
Oh yes, I so agree, jnoding! the traffic that I get from blogging, social marketing, and ezines are much more targeted, truly interested people!
Jeannette Noding
I have gotten away from them myself. Not so much for the virus problem, though there is one I won't mention that does nothing but fill me up with popunders. You know what I mean, so far most of my responses have been through ApSense. I have tried blogs but the problem I had was getting the traffic to them. I am working with EZines and am getting much better results.
I've backed off from using them too for the same reasons. My computer is my money maker for more than just marketing and I can't risk it getting infected with something I can't fix.
Stacey Whitney
Internet Marketer
I stopped using TE's for the same reason. I was getting a lot of viruses and malware. I found they didn't produce enough results to warrant the damage they may have been causing to my (car) computer.
Becky Ragsdale
One24 Taking The Internet By Storm
I have to say I do use traffic exchanges .But I use alot other advertisement also.I have had lots of luck with traffic exchanges but I have sertain ones I use.