Dramatically Increase Your Business Online

Posted by MichaelAp Clayton
May 8, 2009

Dramatically Increase Your Business Online

There is no secret just get millions of people to see your web page.

This is how to do it at no cost: I.E. FREE.

I join and surf traffic exchanges every day. Make new friends in communities every day. Join and post ads in forums most days. I do very little other forms of advertising, occasionally I write articles like this one and others at my Apsense Blog. I also have a forum at Adlandpro and post ads there..

Traffic Exchanges Work - How I Know

I test traffic exchanges every day to find good ones. I list some of my web pages in certain traffic exchanges and promote these pages no other way.

Therefore when I monitor my web page trackers and I get paid sign ups I know:

(1) How many visitors from x traffic exchange. How many free sign-ups and how many paid clients.

(2) If for example I advertise for Affiliates at Adlandpro and people join from traffic exchanges I can see where the last visitor came from in my internal Adlandpro visitor tracker at my Adlandpro Gold (Paid) members area

(3)  When I make a new web page I can use it to test new traffic exchanges as I know it will not attract visitors any other way as I am not promoting it any other way. I made a new free affiliate singles site and only put it in traffic exchanges. I got hundreds of free sign ups and 20% ended up as paid members and I made good money.

(4) Search engines get millions of pages listed with exactly the same key words and content. They list the pages in order of traffic. If my page is getting big traffic I get on the first page of search engines in front of millions of pages with the same keywords I am using.

(5) I have made over $100,000 online in the last 6 years and 98% of my traffic has come from Surf For Traffic Exchanges. Over 10 Million visits.

Why would I think only people who visited my pages from search engines .05% of all my traffic were the main buyers.

Not very likely don't you think?

Forget what the gurus tell you. Don't do as they say; Do as they do.

I see their programs in traffic exchanges all the time but they have never told me to use traffic exchanges.

They tell me to purchase their WISS BAN, OLD HAT Re HASHED opportunity and pay them.

Not Likely ....

Anything you do online takes 3 to 12 months before you get enough traffic to make it work so stick at it and don't expect sign-up's to your programs in the first 3 months.

It took me a year to get my first online affiliate site to make over $200 a week.

See traffic exchange to join and try.


Note you need to join new traffic exchanges all the time as many come and go and change ownership. Only surf the good exchanges that send you good traffic. Check your web site trackers. If you are not sure how to do this send me a private email at Apsense and I will help you.

Read my online business advise


and from that page join some of my GOOD AFFILIATE PROGRAM Opportunities.

1 people like it
Comments (4)
Georgios Paraskevopo...

Consultant/Translator EN-GR-SW

Hi Michael!

Very interesting article! Thank you for sharing. I found your post in Steven Reid's forun in ALP.
Good of you to give the opportunity to get all this information.

Blessed Be

Jul 15, 2009 Like it
Rafal Mly

Internet marketer and blogger

That's very interesting blog, thanks for sharing the info.


Jun 25, 2009 Like it
MichaelAp Clayton

I Earn My Income Online ...Join Me

Hi Kerjak

It may be the opportunity you are promoting. I see on your profile you are promoting a ClickBank site. My security software blocks ClickBank sites so I never see them. Contact me by private email if you want advise.

Jun 16, 2009 Like it
joel kerley

Web Designer

this is not helping as this is what i do from the time i get up till the time i crash and so far, i aint made a dime and credits ! lol!!! this is a joke!!!!!!! i surf over 50 traffic exchanges now going on for 10 years, and ive made ,if im lucky, 30 dollars! yea!!! lets surf for the rest of our lives for nothing!!!!!! so for your help i ad, if your going to surf, get a big board!!! and plan on surfing a long time!

Jun 12, 2009 Like it
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