Turn on the GREEN Light!

Posted by Jennifer Underwood
May 12, 2008
Image If you are in fear of change, or not willing to have an open mind.  You may not like what I am about to say.  But if you are ready for change, please read on. 

!  I have finally really and truly from self within GOT IT

Ok, what the heck is she talking about????  You are asking.  Well here it goes!  Now, I will be breaking these steps down into several different articles.  This is a lot to take in, but I am so excited to take you on this voyage with me!!

I have been reading and came familiar with 'The Law of Attraction', and 'Creating your Reality'...and thought when things were not happening over night...it didn't work.  Well, this week I went to a training that was given by Erica Nasby *her father is Bill Nasby*.  Not only has it been working all of this time, but working AGAINST ME!!!!   Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING that has happened in my life is because of my thoughts!  This is just so amazing, so wonderful, and so peaceful now.  Knowing this, not only can I move on with my life and GET RID OF THE CRAP...but my life is aligning with my prosperous conscious! 
I use to joke as life was moving along...'Do I have IDIOT or STUPID written on my forehead?' 

Yes, I did actually!  Everything down to the worse lowest period of my life was exactly what I asked for!  Here are the steps that I am taking to OWNING and TAKING CONTROL of my life. 

Before you begin reading any further.  Please take a few minutes and watch this video.  It is cute, but straight to the point!  If you have any fear after watching it.  Please continue to read the above and watch the video again until you are excited to find out more!

The objective of 'Creating Your Reality' (tm) is to explain a logical and mechanical understanding and process of how to....     

Skills and practical knowledge are useless unless you take control of your environment.

change your results
not by working harder
but by thinking differently.

master the
attitude of success
by developing your mental discipline.

(taken from field day with Bill Nasby)

Now, the reason's I color coded words.  How did you feel with the words in RED
How about the words in GREEN?

In this life, our subconscious reacts to RED as stop...and GREEN as go!  If you could color code your thoughts, could you actually see the RED and the GREEN thoughts?


In this life, we are are about choices, and can live our lives two ways:
1. Default (RED)~ 95% of man kind live this way
2. Deliberate Intent (GREEN)~ 5% of man kind live this way. 

That is all!  Those are the only two ways that we can live! 

And with saying that.  We only have two emotions that take the action of these two choices. 

1.  FEAR- Default, stop, negative
2.  LOVE- Deliberate Intent *when you live with intent you are liberated*, GO, positive

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.  ~Helen Keller

What is Visualization?

It's one of our natural experiences. Seeing images or movies in our minds - daydreaming or imagination - is visualization. And when we consciously choose our thoughts, we are practicing the visualization technique.

Visualization is as natural as breathing or sleeping - we all visualize. The only difference is some of us are aware of it, and others not - at least not yet.


Visualize the words that you use and the thoughts that come into your mind.  Color code them visually.  When you can visualize the amount of colors that are coming across your mind, they are easier to associate what you are actually feeling.  Take for instance at a intersection light.  If it is
RED you have to stop, right?  Well in order to go, the light has to turn GREEN.  So, therefore you want the light to change from red to green.  When you visualize that you have a RED thought, immediately change it to a green thought.  If this is hard for you to do at first, keep trying!  Practice makes perfection!  Also, which makes you feel better?  What makes you feel better will be your GREEN!

Jennifer Sasser
Simplifying Lives and Securing Lifestyles!

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Comments (38)
Jennifer Underwood


My taste buds are kicking it into turbo! Yummy!!!!!! Can't wait for the recipe Jeff!!

May 15, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

I have a "No Less Than Three Olive Rule" for my Martinis-- I also use double-sized Martini glasses so I can add 3 shrimps and a slice of fresh lemon! :)

Sound Good? I have won prizes for drink recipes-- See my latest creation on my IChannel..

I'm thinking of naming a drink after you, Jennifer... Lemme get my mental tastebuds in gear! :)

May 15, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


You are very welcome Jeff! Woo hoo! Make it with extra olives......lol. Why do they only put one? I want MORE! hahaha!

May 15, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Thank you, lil mermaid! :)

Martini Hour in 5 minutes... I have one for you, too! :)

G'night and have fun! :)

May 15, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Giving you BIG HUGS Jeff!

May 15, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


You are absolutely correct! And yes the old 'positive and negative' is so oooooold to me too. I guess with my creativity and artistic talents, I could not understand or put my life into prospective with those words. Being able to be myself into artistic side of understanding all of this, it has helped me paint a picture!
Color is light, sound, heat, magnetism--they are all one and the same energy as was proved by Michael Faraday in 1845 by polarized light experiments. They differ onl

May 15, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

When you hug me, you are hugging ALL of me! :)

And, Jenny, you are absolutely correct, too! :)

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi jenn

Your article has certainly got people thinking! It seems that the minute anyone says the magic words "positive" and negative" that everyone jumps on a bandwagon and starts striking dramatic postures on the subject.

My thought? That there is a lot we cant change in this work as it comes from events outside our control - such as illness, death, disability, effects of the environment, society etc. What pòsitivity (aaagghhh - cant stand the word any more! LOL) or better said,Your G

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

My Dark Side gets as many hugs as the rest of me! :)

May 14, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I have been reading the responses here and I must say that "negative" is nothing more than your perspective. You can choose to see things as negative or as positive. Even the things we want to label as negative can have a positive purpose.

When Gayle was killed in that car accident I got mad. Mad at God, mad at the world and mad at myself. Most people would say that was negative. But was it really, or is it what got me through it? It was a part of the grieving process and necessary to my

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


"Self control doesn’t come from controlling our feelings but from feeling our feelings."

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Tell me about it! LOL!!!!

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

It is CHOICE as a FEATURE or Native Talent/ Power, that's the key-- There is soooooooo much GOOD stuff, and soooooooooo much MORE GOOD STUFF, that can we all can CHOOSE to have less of what we might CONSIDER (Another Power) to be "Bad Stuff" at the Moment...

Taking hold of your Powers and finding more Within, is a sign of the truly Brave Warrior... Nothing is more potentially unsettling than to actually find out that you have all that Strength going for yourself all the while and at every st

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Exactly Jeff. And those things that I felt guilty before that I still do...just doesn't matter to me. Now when I drink a beer I drink it because I just want it. Not because that is what is going to take me away, and get me away from my problems. When I smoke a cigarette I smoke it because I want it, and don't feel guilty about smoking it. Right now in the present I smoke that cigerarette because it is what I enjoy DOING TODAY. Of course I am focusing on trying to quit, because I want to....not b

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

It is a source of delight for me to actually KNOW when I am tuned into the Higher Wisdom of my Being... As well as it is to KNOW when I am not-- I listen attentively and feel deeply my own thoughts and energies, and my Actions are not as random or unconscious... My Choices for attracting things, people, whatever are also a bit more governed by myself, and aren't as subject to outer influence, without my supervision...

It's actually easier to live this way than a lot of people may think., alt

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Sonja and Cindy, thank you for your response. I am so glad that you are letting go of the clutter. The 'old' me was the type of person that worried about EVERYTHING. I was a dead and sick individual. I turned to alcohol for my answers, and blamed everybody and everything other than myself! So many think that getting rid of the crap and replacing it with beauty is a horrible thing to do...which was the old me. I couldn't even see the beauty in a flower. Beauty abundantly surrounds us. I a

May 14, 2008 Like it
Cindy Bolley


I love the cartoon !!
Some people think that this Law of Attraction way of thinking is a big
bunch of hooie.
I am NOT one of them.
Keep out the cluter.


May 14, 2008 Like it
Arthur Webster

Just plain honesty

Hi, Sonya,

It is a few years ago now but there was a time when self-immolation was THE protest medium used by very many people who felt that there was no other way to be heard.

It distresses me when I hear people talking about "being in a rut" as though this is some sort of crime against humanity.

Think on this - Ruts exist because they are the result of a lot of traffic heading the same way OR they are the result of traffic exploring new ways that require to be made strong enough to ca

May 14, 2008 Like it
Sonya Smith

The first sentence in your article really caught my attention!!! While I try to remain postive (I read the secret about 6 months ago, and really believe in it), I have been resistant to change. It's so easy to get stuck in whatever rut you are in. Being resistant to change tends to let the doubts in, no matter how hard you try to focus on the positive. My business life has been stagnant for lack of a better word the last few months. I have blamed the economy, my time constraints, even my ki

May 14, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


;0) I understand you are going through a very hard time, and I am sorry to hear about your episode last night. I lift you up in my prayers, and as I have said wish the best for you!

May 14, 2008 Like it
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