Pretending You Know When Really...You Don't
There Ain't nothing worse than a Phoney! Seems like there are fake's everywhere these days, esspecially true on the internet(did you notice that too?).
Fakes come in all types, shapes, sizes and forms. Like this guy I work with(at my job, if I had a choice I would not work with this person or anyone like him!), I don't know what is wrong with him, but half the time you give him a direction, or ask him to do something, and you think he can get it right? Oh sure, he'll act like he understands, perhaps nod his head or say yes but the next thing you know he's way the heck off doing the exact opposite of what you asked him to do in the first place. Oh MY GOD!! It's enough to drive you completely BONKERS!
If he doesn't comprehend, why the heck don't he just say so? Another mystery I guess.
Like these so called internet marketers(now there's a bunch...HaHaHa). How come 90-whatever percent aren't making any money? Because they have no clue what they are doing...that's why! I mean, why don't they take a marketing class or something. Or are they just buying into the hype, and hoping that by some chance everyone who's anyone will just magically want to join their business and make them filthy stinking rich?
Is this you? I hope I'm not being too offensive here but some things just have to be said(and by the way, this was me not too long ago). If you have never been in business before, and you have never been in marketing before.....then where do you get off pretending you know anything about either?
NoNoNO!! Get the Right information first, and make Darn sure you are doing what is right for YOU!
One last thing....anyone who goes around pretending to know when they don't, can easily be spotted by those that know from a million miles away.
Till next time........
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Comments (23)
Fakers will never succeed! If they think they are fooling people, that is where they are wrong! They are not fooling anyone but themselves. Fakers cant pretend forever. Its going to be hard for them to maintain being fakes as they will always slip up.
Enamul Huque
SEO Specialist
People just want to make money but they want want to spend time on learning. This creates such problems.
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Hey Jeff(Peaceful),
Politicians? I guess we have to admit that they too are human, even if most of them are complete
I don't know about anyone trying to control others, controlling yourself on the other hand....
Mark Hultgren
Wordpress Specialist
I agree with you entirely! Everything that I promote only gets put on my site AFTER I have installed it and played with it. Sure, there are plenty of sales letters out there that promote some of the same products I do, but the difference is I can actually send the visitor to an installation of the product so they can SEE what it does and how it works.
Yes, I do have my own membership site along with an affiliate management package and I am making some cash, but it DIDN'T happen over nig
Jeff Greene
Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
You know, G- Man... The worst of the phonies are those who try to create and control the morals of others, and proceed to blast them without mercy when they happen tp stray a bit...
The Governor of NY State is one big shining example of this... He set one hell of a high bar for others to climb up on, and then fell off of it by becoming involved with a $1000.00 an hour "Escort Service" Hooker... The worst part is that he was doing an excellent job, on the surface and that he had the corrupt
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I think people just don't know themselves well enough.
They know they want change, unsatisfied with their jobs or income, and some even may THINK they want the easy life, quick louse around and WASTE or whatever, who's to say why people get the many many different funny ideas we do?
Until we as individuals are OPEN and HONEST with ourselves and we KNOW exactly what it is we are after and are actively working to achieve that VERY THING, I fear we are just wasting our time, energy and
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
"How can you market and sell what you don't know?"
The easy question to answer -
You buy a membership site building programme that is currently being heavily promoted. The blurb goes something like -
Create a continuing and escalating steady income with your own membership site. This programme will build your site in less than two minutes and ensure that you always have the right information to have your members coming back for more, yaddah yaddah yaddah.
Or what about -
Robin Watson
So right, my friend. Too many people jump into a business and don't learn the PRODUCT or SERVICE. How can you market and sell what you don't know?
Mark Hultgren
Wordpress Specialist
The ones I WOULD and Do trust, or the others?
The two that I DO trust are JayKay Bak and John Delavera. Also Fabio Marciano (AKA Fabman) and Mark Sandquist getting some good marks from me too! All of the others I have dealt with have been either too slippery or try too hard to keep you running in circles with their "Tips". And once they have your money, they are nowhere to be seen for support. I pride myself on giving support fast and it is one thing that I demand from any program I am involved
Jennifer Oliver
Im not going to lie to you, I do not know the first thing about affiliate marketing, my main focus is on my own website that sells vitamins, but I can also tell you that I am tired of affiliate marketers who say join me and Ill teach you but then you never get any help, so for now Ill just stick to what I know.
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Hi Mizrae,
Trust me I know! Am working at getting the message out there but unfortantly some people just don't want to learn....
P.S. That little marketing class I refer to up there is offering free memberships but only until the end of 2007...leaves about 2 days for you or anyone else to get in free after which point we will gladly accept payment for membership!
Rae Steinbrink
As always, you are right on target, but the warning usually misses the crowd that NEEDS to see it!
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LOL...Thanks Fishie! Awesome....Hey Mark I might be interested to hear WHO you are talking about...LOL
Rock On baby! You definitely pinned the tail on that donkey!
Mark Hultgren
Wordpress Specialist
You are right on target G-Man! I was one of those unsuspecting ones for about a year when I started out. Jumping from this GooRoo to that one trying to learn how they did it until the school of hard knocks finally woke me up. I found out that most of them will only tell you enough to get you really confused about what they are saying but won't give you the real answers because they are afraid that you will take away their sheep!
It's like they want keep you confused and promise to clarify your
Jennifer Underwood
867-5309,,,,,,,JENNY I GOT YOUR NUMBER!!!!
Jennifer Underwood
Jenny Stewart
And what about the professional network marketer who bought products from a site he was promoting and got taken for over a thousand dollars by the seller (who he forgot to check out!) LOL
I reckon there must be more "successful network marketers" on welfare thanunqualified building workers!
Rocky Pacley
I know this one struck some nerves, that reminds me
of being an article marketer for 2 years and can't
spell B.
Great Post!
Jenny Stewart
Love your reference to "internet marketers" to which you should be adding "professional internetmarketers" and "gurus"!!!
Fakes will always be found out in the end - but there are some pretty credible fakes out there and sometimes "in the end" seems a long time coming. The only answer to them is the boring old Due Diligence which is the best deterrent to BS.
AND sharing the information. If you got royally screwed by one of these so called experts, tell people. It might be humilia