A mere Suggestion and Attempt to Improve Communication and Relations
Have you ever read a comment or blog and thought to yourself, "Whadda Jerk!" or "GOOD GOD! She is just so Negative" or "What did he just say about me?"
Before we pass judgement on one another maybe it's time we started asking ourselves just what do we really know about this person? Or anything for that matter?
20000 people and growing on this network alone, how many of them do you really know anyting about?
What they are about?
What kind of life they have lived?
And Just what kind of Crap they may be going through right now?
Maybe the next time we find ourselves passing judgement on the words of another we should take the time to reach out and really get to know these people and just what they are really about.
After all, you can't get the whole story from one little incident, can you? Or even a few?
No one has all the answers
but together we can come up with a few
We ALL have greatness within us.....
......words from one who himself is guilty of mis-communication
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Comments (21)
Rosetta slmn
content writer
You are very right Garnet
No one can judge others as we all are humans who do mistakes so we should always forgive each other for any mistake and accept each other as we are .
Stupid Girlfriend
Judging Others tell a friend
A mere Suggestion and Attempt to Improve Communication and Relations
Have you ever read a comment or blog and thought to yourself, "Whadda Jerk!" or "GOOD GOD! She is just so Negative" or "What did he just say about me?"
Before we pass judgement on one another maybe it's time we started asking ourselves just what do we really know about this person? Or anything for that matter?
20000 people and growing on this network alone, how many of the
Jennifer Underwood
Yeah, my mom got stationed to McClellan AFB (Sacremento) we were there for about a year. Then my grandfather got sick and we got an emergency assignment back to Georgia. And here I still am.
Lisa G.
Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
LOL...sounds like they thought we were just a bunch of Scarlet O Hara's
How cool! You lived in Ca. too.
Jennifer Underwood
when I was 12 we moved to California. And all the people LOVED my accent...and I was like the star of the show...just for me to talk!
Then I would get asked by the other kids.....'is it true all you southern people do is sit on the front porch and fan yourselves'...hahahahahaha!
Lisa G.
Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
When I first moved to California, I honestly did not know what all the fuss was over my way of ...Talkin..
I really did not know that I had an accent. My mom came out to see me six months later, and was so mad at me when I told her, "Mom..did you know we have an accent?"
I have heard, if you live somwhere until you are 14 years old, you will never loose that accent.
I did find myself being judged both positively and negatively.
I took it all in stride. My boss actually asked me to come back
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I want a Southern DRAAWWLLL TOO!!!
Jennifer Underwood
And Oh Emily...we can't wait to hear more of that sweet southern drawl :0)
Jennifer Underwood
:0) You are very welcome!!
Emily Tanksley
Great Words Of Wisdom you have there Garnet!
I cannot wait to COMMUNICATE on the call so I can actually hear the feeling and emotion behind the words!
Jennifer Underwood
Yeah...don't shoot the turkey buzzards..cause Jeunelle and Garnet...you need to pick something up here
But shoot them ducks!!
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Glad to see more feedback HERE!
No disagreements yet either...hmm, that is interesting...
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
I couldn't agree more :)
Jeff Greene
Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Grant you are very much wise and thoughful for presenting this excellent subject...
Reminding us that there is a Human on the other end of our writings is a very powerful gesture... when it comes to sharing with others...
"Always Bring Your Best" is my motto! :)
Lisa G.
Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Hi Garnet.
Thanks for these words of wisdom.
You are so right. This is a subject that I have worked really hard to teach my two kids.
One little incident definitley does not make the person.
It is ashame, but it is not uncomon human nature to be judged by others. My mama always said "If you don't have anything good to say about someone, don't say anything at all about them.' Well, I'm not perfect...lol., but I do try to remember her words when I have a bone to pick with someone.
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Thank you Fishie and NoMoreHackers...lol
Hopefully more people will find this blog soon.....
Jennifer Underwood
Awesome Garnet! And you again have hit the nail on the head!
Communication is the number one key in the whole world.............
:0) Your awesome boi! *I can call you that cuz we are the same age* he he!
Great Advice Garnet !
Very good and taken to heart.
Thanks for sharing yours :-)