You Are All WRONG - We Must Change
Most of us here are marketers. How many times have you heard your upline or some company tell you that you Have to Change yourself? Your not GOOD enough! No, don't even bring up your OWN ideas, we know what works best!
What a bunch of BULL! Don't they really mean to say "we know what works best for us, the company, screw YOU!!
I am so tired of MLM's or whatever else Lying to people, telling them they have to totally re-arrange their lives, telling them to stuff their opportunity down the throats of their friends and family, telling them to stick to their plan, whatever you do, don't be an individual! In fact, don't think...your a friggin idiot!!
Just what the heck is the matter with you anyways?
Is there something wrong with you, your ROOTS, where you come from, who you are and what you stand for?
Don't buy their BS!
You are a unique and wonderful human being, a geniune masterpiece! Only you can decide what is right for you, not some jerk who only cares about stuffing you in his or her downline!
Change, can be and is a good thing. Just as long as you are the one making the changes, you are the one deciding...what is right for you!
Can't you see? It's all about you!
Live life by your own terms!
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Comments (93)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
That's what Andy means when he says to follow the money, not the people. I guess many people believe that if a program makes a lot of money for some people, it will work for them too.
And let's not forget it's easy to forge false proof of payments with Photoshop.
Paula van Dun
I agree. More people would come to the same conclusion if the started TO THINK. However many of them are sheep and follow everybody blindly
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Here is my definition of MLM :
(M)inimum effort
(L)ow thnking
(M)aximum results
They do work. For the ones who join when it's brand new. That's why new ones come up every week. Or is it every day ? Every second ?
Unfortunately, by the time I get invited, there are already thousands of members.
Oh, I know. I will start my own.
Coming soon... the NMNE program ! No Money No Effort ! We do the recruiting for you. All you have to do is sit on the couch. And we will give $50 NMNE dol
Very true! How can a company say that only one way works when the people who developed it don't have the same experiences as you. We're all different and we all need to find what works best for us. Anyone who isn't open to new ideas is sure to fail.
Rocky Pacley
Hi, Garnet it's so nice to see you are hitting 1000 with this one just reminds when the Internet was new to the concepts of online marketing. Now seeing you again and reading this Post speaks volume knowing one of my friends is providing the solutions you have here in this Post.
Jeff Greene
Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
The best companies for me and my business- development clients are always the ones that will be in business.
Flash-In- Pan companies like the ones you guys mention will always come and go... BUT they always leave behind a number of clues that can allow you to avoid them-- Such as carbon- copy payplans and scripts... Very amusing stuff for me, but dangerous to the newbies and their budgets-- Also some of these creeps have hooked experienced organizations with their baits, so don't be surpris
Karl Rose
Hi Garnet,
I was going to make a new blog but came across this first. GREAT POINT! I tried the 'Pay it Forward' plan. Well I got thru all the FREE basics just fine. THEN when I got to the next stage I quickly figurd out that the ONLY WAY I was 'supposedly' be able to make $1'000's weekly is to follow THEIR plan(which INCLUDED JOINING EVERY PAY program under them!!). I did the math and figured that THEY would be getting approx $200/month from ME with NO GUARANTEE that I would make a cent! Aft
Mick Popp
Web World Marketer
You are so right. Change is a good thing, but...
you have to want to change
you have to be the one making the changes
and you have to be the one making the changes for you.
Nobody will ever move up the success ladder without making some changes.
We are where we are because of the decisions we make.
We need to decide a little differently if we want to change where we are.
Best of success to all
Robin Watson
I totally agree! I have a network marketing business, and guess what? I NEVER sell to my friends and family, I NEVER talk to anyone who doesn't want to talk to me, and I NEVER have to try to convince anyone they need what I have. Why? Because either they do, or they don't. And if they don't - great! If they do, then hopefully I can help them.
I can live by my personal philosophy and still be successful in my business. And that's what counts.
Dora Akingbade-Watso...
Lifestyle Business Developer
Mmm-Hmm! Amen Brother!
We are not clones!!
Variety is the spice of life!
Keep on Keepin' On!
Stupid Girlfriend
Garnet are you drinking?LOL Just kidding.... Wow I just love this post and you are dead right on my friend. I believe that we are each unique and should be who we are and not what others want us to be. Sometimes to much is to much but this much is really put it right in the old booth scooten boggie kind of way. Good for you...
Loving life, living life and liken the way you put it...straight shooten my friend...
Finally, I have found like minded folks!
We have great visions and motivations to share success not exploit it!
Sandi L.
Business Owner
Finally someone has spoken in the right directions:)
Learn how you can achieve all that you have desired to achieve, be all that you have chosen to be, realize the dreams of your Self! Begin your new, greater, empowered, abundant, loving, liberated life today!
In summary, once you go through the information we provide you with here and apply it, you will:
Make more money than you need
Work a lot less
Have much more free time
Be happier
Do what you love
Have wisdom, assets and wealt
Not Here
just want my account deleted
HaHaHa...Beth, let me share something with you....I'D RATHER BE FLAT ON THE FACE BROKE AND HONEST THAN A LYING RICH SCUM-BAG ANYDAY! That's not to say all rich people are scum or anything but there is a lot of crap being promoted on the net(who knew) or more accurately there are some shady characters out there robbing people who honestly don't know any better.
The article is an original piece written straight out of my head like all my work(hence the term "my work" lol), feel free to use t
Beth Schmillen
Hi Garnet!
WOW....that is awesome what you wrote...You are unique! I just changed
that on my sig over at two other social networks.... that's what I'm working with.... ha ha.... did you steal that from me! I just haven't gotten toit here! let's talk!
LOL rotf....
darn it! ....
is that copyrighted?
Coach Steve Toth
Imagination is the workshop of the human mind!-and the two most frequent ways to misuse that incredible gift that we all posses are:
1. Imagining that we can get something for nothing
2. Imagining that we can force our-self ahead in the world without observing the rights of other human beings
To Your Success,
Not Here
just want my account deleted
Thanks Rocky! Comments such as the one you just left really make the things I do more worthwhile, glad you could get something out of it!
Rocky Pacley
G This is powerful and in order to have a passion you
have to be passionate about what you're passionate
about not what I want you to be passionate about.
You've been a major support system for me today!
Thanks again!
David Galich
Online Business
Yeah that is what I got from a couple of people in MLM. I know that is just a turn off to the whole idea of "Being In Business for 'MYSELF'" not some smuck who thinks he rules the world with a few dollars and a sold idea.
David J. Galich
Jennifer Underwood
Hey WE are kissing 'BLOGGING' cousins....SHEESH!
Gotta tell ALL the secrets..!?!
Well...all the KISSIN secrets are going to be told on the next 'Humpday on APsense'
Must check it out!
Whooo la la!